Technical Sourcebook for Designers артикул 12301d.
Technical Sourcebook for Designers артикул 12301d.

To remain in-sync with current trends in apparel manufacturing practices, design studentsneed to understand principles of technical design, such as how construction influencesdesign, how to conduct a fit session, and how to write concise instructions for prototypesand revisions Technical Designer s Sourcebook will provide students with озкяф essential techniques,principles, and terminology related to current apparel production technologyand manufacturing practices Through practical exercises and the authors own industryexperience, the book will integrate the fundamental knowledge that students have gainedin their design courses with the technical design skills they ll need to demonstrate in anapparel manufacturing firm.  Pass   57.1   Bett   Bett2009 г Мягкая обложка, 464 стр ISBN 1563675862.

The Ballet Collaborations of Richard Strauss (Eastman Studies in Music) артикул 12303d.
The Ballet Collaborations of Richard Strauss (Eastman Studies in Music) артикул 12303d.

Richard Strauss contributed music to several ballets during his career, collaborating with prominent dance artists of his time His ballets include an unfinished Die Insel Kythere (The Island of Cythera, 1900), inspired by French Rococo paintings; Josephslegende (The Legend of Joseph, 1914), choreographed by Leonide Massine for the Ballets озкяю Russes; a 1923 Ballettsoiree with dances by Heinrich Kroller, showcasing the Vienna Ballet and including Strauss's arrangements of music by Francois Couperin; Schlagobers (Whipped Cream, 1924), a Comic Viennese Ballet;choreographed by Kroller; and Verklungene Feste: Tanzvisionen aus Zwei Jahrhunderten (Faded Celebrations: Dance Visions from Two Centuries, 1941), premiered in Munich with meta-historical dances by the dancer-choreographer team Pia and Pino Mlakar In The Ballet Collaborations of Richard Strauss, Heisler considers Strauss's ballet scores alongside story, mise-en-scene, and choreography, revealing Strauss's shift from a parodic conception of classical dance in the years leading up to World War I to a belated obsession with Romantic-era ballet in its aftermath Heisler explores issues central to Strauss's relationship to modernism: his mining in Kythere of the decorative aspects of dance, suggesting a shared sensibility with fin-de-siecle Jugendstil and a critique of Romanticism; the dynamics of collective creation and Strauss's penchant for parody in relation to Josephslegende; his stance on interwar cultural politics through the Ballettsoiree and Schlagobers; and Verklungene Feste as this composer's autumnal meditation on the conceit of music and dance as vehicles for transcendence The Ballet Collaborations of Richard Strauss is a richly interdisciplinary study that promises to nuance the popular, critical, and academic reception of this ever-popular composer Wayne Heisler Jr is assistant professor and Coordinator of Historical and Cultural Studies in Music at The College of New Jersey.  отде   Шуре   Your   Skag2009 г Твердый переплет, 361 стр ISBN 1580463215.

Heat артикул 12305d.
Heat артикул 12305d.

Bianca, a 21 year old student of German literature and the model of this book, fascinated by his work introduced herself to Thomas Karsten with the strong desire to work with him From this developed an intensive team-work over many months Wild, cheerful pictures developed, outside and inside, on Majorka, in Berlin and elsewhere, in the street, in озлаб bed, alone and with other models The pictures vibrate of pleasure, produce heat They don't come across cool beauty in this book, but hot natural desire.  Вятк   Unit   Семе   слов2009 г Мягкая обложка, 240 стр ISBN 3887693787.

Lider de 360 артикул 12307d.
Lider de 360 артикул 12307d.

Durante sus mas de treinta anos en ensenar acerca del liderazgo, John Maxwell se ha enfrentado a la siguiente pregunta una y otra vez: ?Como pongo en practica principios de liderazgo si no soy el jefe? Esta buena pregunta recibe su respuesta en el libro de Maxwell, Lider 360 Usted no tiene que ser el lider principal para causar un impacto en su organizacion озлай Los buenos lideres no son capaces unicamente de dirigir a sus seguidores, sino tambienA son expertos en dirigir a sus supervisores y sus contemporaneos John Maxwell ofrece principios especificosA para delegar, dirigir y supervisar que acabaran con los mitos sobre el liderazgo y ofreceran una luz mas clara sobre los retos futuros Los lideres de 360 grados pueden dirigir efectivamente, sin importar su posicion en una organizacion Si aplica los principios de Maxwell, usted podra ampliar su influencia y poder trabajar en equipo de una manera mas eficiente.  Mari   Stop   Yves   Mexo2006 г Мягкая обложка, 304 стр ISBN 0881139033.

Advances in Computers, Volume 78: Improving the Web артикул 12309d.
Advances in Computers, Volume 78: Improving the Web артикул 12309d.

This is volume 78 of Advances in Computers This series, which began publication in 1960, is the oldest continuously published anthology that chronicles the ever- changing information technology field In these volumes we publish from 5 to 7 chapters, three times per year, that cover the latest changes to the design, development, use and implications озлам of computer technology on society today Covers the full breadth of innovations in hardware, software, theory, design, and applications Many of the in-depth reviews have become standard references that continue to be of significant, lasting value in this rapidly expanding field.  Mois   Terr   Robe   Drea2010 г Твердый переплет, 368 стр ISBN 0123810191.

Sun Tzu Was a Sissy: Conquer Your Enemies, Promote Your Friends, and Wage the Real Art of War артикул 12311d.
Sun Tzu Was a Sissy: Conquer Your Enemies, Promote Your Friends, and Wage the Real Art of War артикул 12311d.

The ancient Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu taught that readiness is all, that knowledge of oneself and the enemy is the foundation of strength, and that those who fight best are those who are prepared and wise enough not to fight at all In the ancient world, these people were revered and known as "warrior-sages " In modern times, we refer to озлао them as "suckers " Sun Tzu Was a Sissy teaches you how to wage war, win, and enjoy the plunder in the real world, where those who do not kick, gouge, and grab are left behind at the table to pay the tab Students of Master Bing will learn how to plan and execute battles that hurt other people a lot and advance their flags and those of their friends Every other book on the "Art of War" bows low to Sun Tzu This one tells him to get lost.  Barb   Maxt   stop   Cano2006 г Мягкая обложка, 240 стр ISBN 0060734787.

Rf Mems Switching and Integrated Switching Circuits: Microsystems, Import артикул 12313d.
Rf Mems Switching and Integrated Switching Circuits: Microsystems, Import артикул 12313d.

Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) hold out the hope for the next major breakthrough in the silicon revolution that started with the transistor in the 1960s and has revolutionized every aspect of our lives MEMS allow one not only to observe and process information of all types from small scale systems on the order of the size of a human hair, but озлац also to affect changes in systems and the environment at that scale RF MEMS switches and switching circuits are a new research field that focuses on developments in both micro RF switches and micromachined switching circuits This book will build on the extensive body of literature that exists in research papers on analytical and numerical modeling and design based on RF MEMS switches and micromachined switching circuits The book will present a unified framework with new RF MEMS approaches spanning developments from RF MEMS switches to RF switching circuits and spanning scales from MEMS switch components to MEMS switching circuit systems This book presents a comprehensive approach to all these aspects of switches and switching circuit systems, showing the complete procedures from design through fabrication and experimentation.  Nadi   Rand   Жадь   12802010 г Твердый переплет, 300 стр ISBN 0387462619.

В Гейзенберг Избранные труды артикул 12315d.
В Гейзенберг Избранные труды артикул 12315d.

Переводчики: Юлий Данилов А Сазыкин Вниманию читателей предлагается собрание избранных научных трудов выдающегося физика-теоретика, одного из создателей новой физики озлбб Вернера Гейзенберга В настоящее издание включены работы по квантовой механике, квантовой теории поля, теории ферромагнетизма, теории турбулентности, теории ядра и теории космических ливней Книга, являющаяся уникальной по охвату материала, представляет несомненный интерес как для физиков, профессионально работающих в указанных областях, так и для историков и методологов науки 2-е издание Что внутри? Содержание 1 | 2 | 3 Автор Вернер Гейзенберг Werner Heisenberg.  Iron   Lowl   Morn   RobeСерия: Классики науки.

Computer Accounting Essentials Using Quickbooks артикул 12317d.
Computer Accounting Essentials Using Quickbooks артикул 12317d.

Computer Accounting Essentials Using QuickBooks Online Edition is the only textbook that teaches QuickBooks using the online version Students gain a working knowledge of the accounting software during the free 30 day trial period-no installation required Carol Yacht and Susan Crosson's trademark step-by-step instructions show students озлбм how to use QuickBooks Online Edition to meet the real-world accounting demands of a service corporation.  Enco   Мвкд   Соде   Amar2010 г Твердый переплет, 224 стр ISBN 0078110769.

The Student Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), Student Workbook (The Leadership Practices Inventory) артикул 12319d.
The Student Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), Student Workbook (The Leadership Practices Inventory) артикул 12319d.

THE STUDENT LEADERSHIP PRACTICES INVENTORY (Student LPI) is the only leadership tool designed specifically for students and young people Developed by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, the second edition of this celebrated instrument package approaches leadership as a measurable, learnable, and teachable set of behaviors This 360A° leadership озлбу assessment tool helps students and young people measure their leadership competencies, while guiding them through the process of applying Kouzes and Posner’s acclaimed Five Practices of Exemplary Student LeadershipA® model to real-life challenges.  Geni   Wind   Alex   Барк2005 г Мягкая обложка, 36 стр ISBN 0787980196.

The Basics of Reliability артикул 12321d.
The Basics of Reliability артикул 12321d.

THE BASICS OF RELIABILITY Ronald Blank The Basics of Reliability is a handy source for comprehending reliability concepts, interpreting reliability requirements, and understanding reliability reports It explains reliability concepts in simple and straightforward language for all employee levels and includes a comprehensive glossary озлбч that clearly and thoroughly defines technical terms Senior management, inspectors, technical sales personnel, product engineers, manufacturing engineers, quality engineers, or anyone responsible for reliability will be able to turn to The Basics of Reliability for quick tips and answers to frequently asked reliability questions Highlights: A· Written in plain English with simple explanations of technical terms A· Requires no mathematics beyond high school algebra A· Devotes an entire chapter to explaining reliability concepts A· Includes a comprehensive glossary that thoroughly defines all technical terms found in the text.  Bald   Digi   Chec   разг2004 г Мягкая обложка, 66 стр ISBN 1563273020.

Микроконтроллеры фирмы PHILIPS семейства х51 Том 1 артикул 12323d.
Микроконтроллеры фирмы PHILIPS семейства х51 Том 1 артикул 12323d.

Настоящая книга посвящена производимым фирмой "Филипс" микроконтроллерам самого популярного в мире семейства х51 В первом томе книги приведен подробный обзор всех озлвв выпускаемых фирмой "Филипс" микроконтроллеров Дана также информация по доступным отечественному пользователю микроконтроллерам семейства х51, изготавливаемым другими ведущими мировыми производителями Приведены самая свежая на момент выпуска книги сводная таблица по всем выпускаемым "Филипс" микроконтроллерам, а также терминологический словарь Далее подробно рассматриваются особенности классических микроконтроллеров семейства х51: система команд (подробно описаны все команды микроконтроллеров с кодами операций, операндами, примерами действия команд, временем их исполнения) и аппаратные особенности (структура памяти и регистров, арифметическо-логическое устройство, таймеры-счетчики и режимы их работы, система прерываний, стандартный последовательный порт со всеми режимами работы, и система управления питанием) Подробно описаны микроконтроллеры с разработанным фирмой "Филипс" оригинальным ядром 80С51+, в том числе: микроконтроллеры с флэш-памятью программ, микроконтроллеры с программируемой матрицей счетчиков, микроконтроллеры с расширенной памятью программ и данных Рассмотрены также микроконтроллеры с дополнительными портами ввода/вывода, с аппаратно реализованной шиной I2С и со встроенным аналого-цифровым преобразователем Вся приведенная информация основана на справочных материалах фирмы "Филипс" Книга может быть рекомендована разработчикам, инженерам, преподавателям и студентам вузов Автор Александр Фрунзе.  EHLP   Tatt   Svia   DaviИздательство: ИД Скимен, 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 346 стр ISBN 5-94929-006-2, 5-94929-007-0 Тираж: 3000 экз Формат: 84x108/16 (~205х290 мм).

Yes You Can Afford To Raise A Family артикул 12325d.
Yes You Can Afford To Raise A Family артикул 12325d.

Book DescriptionYes, You Can Afford to Raise A Family breaks the mold when it comes to helping parents achieve their financial dreams It's filled with stories from other parents, more than 100 cartoons from MAD magazine illustrator Paul Coker Jr , and practical information from self-made billionaire James E Stowers, one of the country's top money озлвж managers Combined, this adds up to a fun and humorous look at the things parents can do both financially and emotionally to realize the priceless joy of having kids Whether a rookie parent-to-be or a veteran with a house full of kids, the information in this book will help parents make smart decisions about their money and how to raise their kids Even if their nest is empty, older parents will discovernew ways to think about money, look at life, and share their experiences with their grown kids This is the perfect companion to the award-winning book Yes, You Can! Riase Financially Aware Kids.  RHZN   Opti   DrBr   Lomo2004 г ISBN 096297885X.

The Credit Diet : How to Shed Unwanted Debt and Achieve Fiscal Fitness артикул 12327d.
The Credit Diet : How to Shed Unwanted Debt and Achieve Fiscal Fitness артикул 12327d.

"Youll treasure the practical insights and the useful tips in this book Youll think differently, act smarter, and increase your wealth by learning John Furhmans ideas " Nido R Qubein Chairman, Great Harvest Bread Co Founder, National Speakers Association Foundation Its no big surprise that each year thousands of people озлвй fall into debt What is shocking is that many of us accept the fact that we could be in debt for the rest of our lives John Fuhrman should know because he has been there, but he decided to put a plan together that would eliminate debt from his life for good In The Credit Diet: How to Shed Unwanted Debt and Achieve Fiscal Fitness, award-winning speaker and bestselling author John Fuhrman uses his personal life experience of overcoming debt to provide you with a practical and easy-to-follow road map that will help you to rise above your current financial situation and take the necessary action to remove debt from your life.  Rola   Сысо   Serg   HistISBN 0471250708.

Managing to Be Wealthy артикул 12329d.
Managing to Be Wealthy артикул 12329d.

How can you manage to be wealthy? In Managing to Be Wealthy, John Sestina, a 30 year veteran and visionary founder of fee only financial planning, shows you how to put together a financial plan using sensible, proven, low risk investing techniques Let John Sestina show you the secrets the pros use to start managing to be wealthy today Whether novice озлву or experienced, this book leads investors toward financial independence by helping them select the right financial advisor and getthe most from that relationship Financial advisors can use the book as well to educate their clients.  Davi   Ever   Micr   MartISBN 0793137160.

Разработка пищевых продуктов артикул 12331d.
Разработка пищевых продуктов артикул 12331d.

Переводчики: В Ашкинази Т Фурманская Разработка новых пищевых продуктов (от корректировки имеющегося ассортимента до разработки совершенно новых изделий) - это то, что поддерживает озлвъ само существование пищевой промышленности, но, как и вся инновационная деятельность, занятие довольно рискованное Как же минимизировать риск неудачи? В первой части проанализированы 4 главных элемента процесса разработки новых изделий: общая бизнес-стратегия, этапы собственно процесса разработки, знания, умения и навыки, необходимые для успешности этой деятельности, и учет потребностей потребителей Во второй части рассмотрены различные аспекты менеджмента на практических примерах и вопросы оценки результатов деятельности Удачно сочетающая в себе специфику разработки новых продуктов в пищевой промышленности и общие вопросы управления инновационной деятельностью, эта книга должна привлечь внимание руководителей и технологов пищевых предприятий, а также студентов и преподавателей вузов Перевод с английского Авторы Мэри Эрл Mary Earle Ричард Эрл Richard Earle Аллан Андерсон Allan Anderson.  Фран   Прои   Beko   DiscИздательство: Профессия, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 384 стр ISBN 5-93913-061-5, 1-85573-468-0 Формат: 70x100/16 (~167x236 мм).

Discovering Art Cats артикул 12333d.
Discovering Art Cats артикул 12333d.

This colorful book is filled with delightful images from the J Paul Getty Museum's collection But not just any images: this volume contains images of cats, accompanied by a bit of read-aloud rhyme Designed and written for the youngest of art appreciators, these charming books introduce children to the many different ways artists see the world--and озлга offer a glimpse into the treasures of the Getty Museum.  8942   Seve   Удар   Renz2009 г Твердый переплет, 24 стр ISBN 0892369515.

Ease the Squeeze артикул 12335d.
Ease the Squeeze артикул 12335d.

Book DescriptionEase the Squeeze provides practical approaches to setting personal and family goals, getting out of debt, setting up a budget, applying more discipline to spending decisions, saving more money, giving more and with a proper motive, becoming financially free, and bolstering our family and spiritual lives in the process The book озлгй is 396 pages of up-to-date research and chock full of helps to include checklists, self-tests, worksheets, action points, money-saving ideas and educational and discount WEB sites It includes a toolbox of 50+ graphs and tables Ease the Squeeze is loaded with daily application opportunities and money-saving ideas! You will discover: How to develop a LIFE PLAN (mission for living), a FINANCIAL PLAN, and a GIVING PLAN How to develop personal and family goals for your life and finances How to set up a realistic, structured plan to get out of debt quickly How to set up a budget that is realistic, easy to understand, easy to manage, and tailored for YOU! How to develop a financial plan with both short and long-term goals Practical ways to save more money and control your spending immediately Explores FINANCIAL FREEDOM- what it is, and how to achieve it Relates the author's personal story and lessons learned along the journey from massive debt to NO DEBT (includes paid off mortgage), and the ability to give 30% Biblical approaches to money management and sound advice on giving and stewardship Spiritual applications and insights regarding choices, priorities, materialism, needs/wants, debt, giving, investing, the tithe vs voluntary giving, simplification, etc.  stud   Afro   Prin   Миро2003 г ISBN 1591601711.

A Theory of Distributed Objects артикул 12337d.
A Theory of Distributed Objects артикул 12337d.

Book DescriptionDistributed and communicating objects are becoming ubiquitous In global, Grid and Peer-to-Peer computing environments, extensive use is made of objects interacting through method calls So far, no general formalism has been proposed for the foundation of such systems Caromel and Henrio are the first to define a calculus for озлгт distributed objects interacting using asynchronous method calls with generalized futures, i e , wait-by-necessity -- a must in large-scale systems, providing both high structuring and low coupling, and thus scalability The authors provide very generic results on expressiveness and determinism, and the potential of their approach is further demonstrated by its capacity to cope with advanced issues such as mobility, groups, and components Researchers and graduate students will find here an extensive review of concurrent languages and calculi, with comprehensive figures and summaries Developers of distributed systems can adopt the many implementation strategies thatare presented and analyzed in detail Preface by Luca Cardelli.  Wind   Road   Mari   конс2004 г 300 стр ISBN 3540208666.

ASP to ASP NET Migration Handbook: Concepts and Strategies for Successful Migration артикул 12339d.
ASP to ASP NET Migration Handbook: Concepts and Strategies for Successful Migration артикул 12339d.

Book DescriptionAre you an ASP developer who is planning to move to ASP NET? Do you have an ASP application that you are considering porting? The move from ASP to ASP NET is a big step whichever way you look at it There are important decisions to bemade and many pitfalls to be avoided It is important to have a good plan based on sound knowledge In this book, озлгь professionals who have made the move from ASP to ASP NET pass on their experience of the migration process They will share with you thetechniques that they have used in moving to ASP NET, helping you to migrate successfully The book covers: Choosing a migration strategy Redesigning your application to take advantage of NET Coding differences between ASP and ASP NET Porting business objects to NET Interoperating with existing COM objects and services Getting the most from NET data access and XML support.  Bozi   Слов   клуб   ЛитР2003 г 287 стр ISBN 1861008465.

Quicken 2003 for Dummies артикул 12341d.
Quicken 2003 for Dummies артикул 12341d.

You don’t have to be a technogeek or financial wizard to manage your financial affairs on a PC You have other things to do, places to go, and people to meet And that’s where Quicken 2003 For Dummies comes in This financial referenceguide can help you manage your finances – personal or business – like a pro Quicken 2003 For Dummies is for people озлгю who want to pay bills, track investments, and calculate interest with the click of a mouse And if you’re pulling out your hair out because you’re using Quicken in a business, postpone the hair-pulling – this guide helps with payroll, taxes, receivables and payables, and more This handy guide is also for anyone who wants to Upgrade from an older version of Quicken Manage home mortgages Invest online Set up an online brokerage account Produce an accurate balance sheet Track customer invoices and payments It's certainly arguable that money makes the world go around, but being fiscally organized surely makes your own life easier Find out how to buy and sell mutual fund shares online; reconcile a credit card balance; and estimate income taxes Quicken 2003 For Dummies also covers the following topics and more: Scheduling automatic loan payments Tracking bank accounts Paying bills online Transferring money between bank accounts Creating and printing reports and charts Setting up or changing passwords Using the Refinance, Retirement, and College calculators Frequently asked questions Troubleshooting tips From the absolute basics of Quicken to home finances to serious business applications, Quicken 2003 For Dummies is the guide to have in hand when you want to take control of your finances.  ЛитР   Трои   Води   ГросISBN 0764516663.

You Don't Have to Be Rich: Comfort, Happiness, and Financial Security on Your Own Terms артикул 12343d.
You Don't Have to Be Rich: Comfort, Happiness, and Financial Security on Your Own Terms артикул 12343d.

Do you have to be rich to be happy? Would being richer make you happier? Does money buy happiness? Not the sort of questions you usually hear from a personal finance expert, especially one as popular and respected as Jean Chatzky, of Money magazine and The Today Show But in these difficult times, when many of her fans are struggling with job insecurity, озлдб declining investments, and fear of the future, Chatzky decided to write a different kind of personal finance book Instead of just explaining what to do with your 401(k), she set out to explore the big picture: what makes a happy, successful life and how much money you really need to have one Chatzky's research led her to some astounding results Her groundbreaking survey of thousands of Americans, conducted with the help of the Roper Organization, revealed that more often than not, the amount of money people make-whether it's $50,000 or $5,000, 000 a year-- has little bearing on how happy they are In fact, Chatzky found that unless you're desperately poor, money can't make you happy But it can-if you're handling it wrong -make you miserable YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE RICH reveals what the happiest people in America have in common when it comes to managingtheir money, and what the rest of us can learn from them For instance, they have distinctly different habits and behaviors about things you might consider minor, such as how often you pay your bills, and what you do with your bank statement when it arrives in the mail (hint: shoving it unopened into the desk drawer isn't a good idea ) As Chatzky explains, just because your investments have slumped doesn't mean you should give up on saving, investing, and financial planning A comfortable, secure life is still well within your reach Guided by the research, Chatzky offers clear-cut strategies that you can implement to help you feel more in control of your money They will help you spend smartly, eliminate your debts and both set and reach your financial goals, Be prepared to take a good hard look at your money habits A questionnaire in every chapter will show you where your money management tactics are serving you well, and where they fall short Then you'll be able to use the answers to improve your financial habits and ratchet up your happiness a notch or two Written in Chatzky's popular, down-to-earth style and filled with fresh insights, YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE RICH proves that your money doesn't have to be a source of stress, but can instead be the path to comfort and financial freedom it was always meant to be.  Герш   Acad   Иллю   СодеISBN 1591840120.

Технологические и биохимические основы алкогольсодержащих напитков артикул 12345d.
Технологические и биохимические основы алкогольсодержащих напитков артикул 12345d.

В книге рассматриваются состав и свойства сырья для получения алкогольсодержащей продукции, его превращения при ее изготовлении Рассмотрены материалы по крепким и слабоградусным озлдд напиткам, методам их анализа и способам обнаружения фальсификации, приведены технологические расчеты Книга предназначена специалистам, работающим в области производства продуктов питания, а также студентам, обучающимся по специальности 260204 "Технология бродильных производств и виноделие" (направление 260200 "Производство продуктов питания из растительного сырья") Книга будет полезна широкому кругу читателей Авторы Петр Гуревич Ирина Докучаева Михаил Герасимов.  МГор   веду   Dixi   ЦыбуИздательство: Проспект Науки, 2007 г Твердый переплет, 448 стр ISBN 5-903090-05-2 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

ASP Web Development with Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 артикул 12347d.
ASP Web Development with Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 артикул 12347d.

If you'd like to create your own dynamic web pages using the ASP server model, then let this book be your guide! Whether you're just starting out with Dreamweaver and want to learn about ASP, or you're already proficient with Dreamweaver and want to begin programming dynamic websites, this book will broaden your website programming skills You'll озлдм learn Dreamweaver's ASP server behaviors and many best practices for developing with the CSS and XHTML web standards You'll also absorb the basics of working with databases and the SQL language, and look closely at both Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL Server With this book as your guide, you will be able to create dynamic websites quickly, with Dreamweaver's built-in tools You will also acquire a solid foundation in coding ASP by hand.  Куца   Mast   Стер   молоISBN 1590593499.

Money-for-Nothing : Secrets the I R S Doesn't Want You to Know артикул 12349d.
Money-for-Nothing : Secrets the I R S Doesn't Want You to Know артикул 12349d.

Are you TIRED OF PAYING YOUR TAXES? Do you want INTEREST FREE LOANS? Do you want to Eliminate ALL your debts, your Charge Card Bills, your Student,Personal & Business Loans with ABSOULETY NO INTEREST CHARGES? Of Course You Do! All this and more is available in our E-Z to understand financial guide, 'Money-for-Nothing' secrets the I R S doesn't озлдс want you to know "Money-for Nothing' has been advertised and sold through ads in the Sunday New York Times financial section, Popular Science,Woman's Day and many other magazines and numerous catalogs and web-sites 'Money-for-Nothing' is your Tax Free Guide Is it worth $24 95 to Eliminate your Taxes? You know that it is.  Спир   Guar   Jean   MagnISBN 0967999219.

Mel Bay presents Children's Dulcimer Chord Book артикул 12351d.
Mel Bay presents Children's Dulcimer Chord Book артикул 12351d.

Finally! A chord book written for the young beginner (or even beginners of any age) showing a creative and simple way to learn and play dulcimer chords in DAD tuning Chords are taught beginning with the most essential to more advanced Chords are presented with exercises that build upon each other and eventually lead the student to playing logical озлдц and common chord progressions Chords are shown in chord diagram form with photographs showing finger positions in relationship to the fretboard Examples and exercises are presented in strum bar notation DAD tuning Extra large chord diagrams and photos for easy learning Chords are taught beginning with the most essential to more advanced Chords are presented with exercises that build upon each other Great for dulcimer beginners of all ages Brought to you By MindaMusic Store.  OZON   Wind   Топо   Inte2009 г Мягкая обложка, 16 стр ISBN 0786676183.

Essential ASP NET Fast: With VB NET Examples артикул 12353d.
Essential ASP NET Fast: With VB NET Examples артикул 12353d.

This quick and practical introduction explains: * how to setup an ASP NET development environment, and where to find the various software components * the syntax and features of the language * web-based user interaction using ASP NET forms * pre-definedASP NET objects * how ASP NET can interface with databases Clearly written, this book provides озлдь you with all the essential information you need to create your own dynamic web environments using ASP NET.  Malc   Звон   Соло   автоISBN 1852336838.

ASP NET 2 0 Demystified (Demystified) артикул 12355d.
ASP NET 2 0 Demystified (Demystified) артикул 12355d.

Book Description There’s no easier, faster, or more practical way to learn the really tough subjects ASP NET 2 0 Demystified explains how to write server-side components for dynamic, interactive Web pages and powerful Web-based applications that are easy to develop and modify This self-teaching guide comes complete with key points, background озлеб information, quizzes at the end of each chapter, and even a final exam Simple enough for beginners but challenging enough for advanced students, this is a lively and entertaining brush-up, introductory text, or classroom supplement.  Rene   Edga   Caro   Нефе2005 г 352 стр ISBN 0072261412.

Wireless Internet Service Providers: Wireless Community Network, Municipal Wireless Network, Wireless Local Loop артикул 12302d.
Wireless Internet Service Providers: Wireless Community Network, Municipal Wireless Network, Wireless Local Loop артикул 12302d.

Purchase includes free access to book updates online and a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge Chapters: Wireless Community Network, Municipal Wireless Network, Wireless Local Loop, Wireless Internet Service Provider, Yota, Wireless User Group, Trustive, Digitel озкяш Wireless, Mdu Wi-Fi, Wifimax Excerpt: Digitel Wireless is a wireless broadband integrator associated with primarily rural and agricultural projects in the Southeastern United States It is best known for involvement in public and private funded projects that have compound results such as Internet access, research data collection, and water conservation The core team within Digitel Wireless are from what was once Camvera Networks (previously Tri-State Broadband) Companies like Digitel Wireless are often associated with municipal wireless network projects The broadband systems involved are typically found in non-served and under-served rural and "fringe" urban markets These are the markets commonly associated with Broadband Internet access where a Wireless Internet service provider does not already exist A common method to fund the creation of these broadband companies is to make use of Rural Utilities Service funding and most recently, broadband stimulus provisions Digitel Wireless is a division of Digitel References (URLs online) A hyperlinked version of this chapter is at MDU Wi-Fi (Multiple Dwelling Unit Wi-Fi, Residential Community Wi-Fi, MTU Wi-Fi, Apartment Complex Wi-Fi, Condo Wi-Fi or Timeshare Wi-Fi) is the concept of turning an entire MDU into a Wi-Fi Hotspot , with the ultimate goal of offering wireless access to the Internet to residents and tenants, as an amenity This is usually done by providing Internet Access via Wi-Fi to large parts or all of an MDU by deploying wireless access points or a wireless mesh network The typical deployment design uses a number of commercial access points outdoors or in.  Росс   Undi   Арцр   Jerz2010 г Мягкая обложка, 54 стр ISBN 115667445X.

Improving Flow: Collected Practices And Cases (Insights on Implementation) артикул 12304d.
Improving Flow: Collected Practices And Cases (Insights on Implementation) артикул 12304d.

Flow is a fundamental concept of lean manufacturing, and its improvement is a challenge to many organizations After mastering basic visual tools, managers concentrate on increasing flow Shopfloor and other lean professionals want to know how other companies are implementing and sustaining continuous flow improvement Improving Flow: Collected озлаа Practices and Cases provides a variety of case studies taken from articles previously published in the newsletter Lean Manufacturer Advisor Readers will learn how to move products and services to the customer quicker while eliminating waste and improving profits Highlights include: Practical, in-depth description of the advanced tools used for improving continuous flow, written in a conversational, easy-to-read style A large quantity of case studies unavailable in any other single source Real-life information about the practical issues that arise when implementing advanced tools in an organization Articles are categorized in four areas - Setting up Cells, Improving Flow, Smoothing Production, and Shortening Changeovers -- for easy reference.  Sifr   Fisk   рабо   Юсуп2006 г Мягкая обложка, 143 стр ISBN 1563273322.

Window-Based Operating Systems: Nextstep, Genera, Reactos, Geos, Geos, Interlisp, Freedows Os артикул 12306d.
Window-Based Operating Systems: Nextstep, Genera, Reactos, Geos, Geos, Interlisp, Freedows Os артикул 12306d.

Purchase includes free access to book updates online and a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge Chapters: Nextstep, Genera, Reactos, Geos, Geos, Interlisp, Freedows Os, Tmax Window Excerpt: Freedows OS was an open source attempt at creating a MS-Windows clone for озлае x86 platforms, intended to be released under the GNU General Public License , started in 1996 by Reece K Sellin, an undergraduate Computing Science Major at the University College of the Cariboo in Kamloops , British Columbia , Canada The name is a portmanteau of "free " and "Windows" The project was modeled on other cooperative attempts to build operating systems, such as Linux The project was never completed, getting only to the stage of design discussions which featured a number of novel concepts These included a modular architecture derived from Stanford University 's Cache Kernel that used plug-in components to allow running software from different operating systems, including software from other hardware platforms The project's intended features, combined with sizeable worldwide developer and alpha/beta-testing interest, resulted in difficulties in project organization and coordination The project made little progress towards producing running code, and faced nearly constant redesign until a personal conflict split the project into two factions: Freedows (still controlled by Sellin) and Alliance OS (where some of the other developers had gone) neither has subsequently produced a finished product Development of Freedows was indefinitely suspended in 2002, but the development of ReactOS and E/OS , independent projects with similar goals, has reached a greater success References (URLs online) Websites (URLs online) A hyperlinked version of this chapter is at Genera is a commercial operating system and development environment for Lisp machines developed by Symbolics It is essentially a fork of an earlier operat.  Park   Soul   Hits   SPOR2010 г Мягкая обложка, 52 стр ISBN 1156674352.

Summer Heart: (Sommerherz) артикул 12308d.
Summer Heart: (Sommerherz) артикул 12308d.

With Summer Heart, German photographer Thekla Ehling (born in 1968) keeps pace with the growing up of her children and friends She documents situations and moods so that the viewers find themselves entangled in connotations and memories of their own childhoods Ehling's pictures often show moments of isolation, in which a young spirit seems to озлак regard itself as if in a trance There are preoccupied looks, evidently comparing a current event with one already experienced In 2008, the book was presented successfully at the first New York Photo Festival and Photo Miami, and the series will be shown at the 2009 PULSE Contemporary Art Fair in New York.  Mari   Vino   Cafe   Gabr2009 г Твердый переплет, 72 стр ISBN 3868280359.

500 схем для радиолюбителей Шпионские штучки и не только артикул 12310d.
500 схем для радиолюбителей Шпионские штучки и не только артикул 12310d.

Книга продолжает ряд тематических изданий в серии "Радиолюбитель" В данной книге представлены схемные решения устройств для получения информации и защиты своей информации озлан от утечки Приводимого краткого описания вполне достаточно для самостоятельного изготовления понравившейся конструкции Схемы сопровождаются подробными описаниями, рисунками печатных плат, рекомендациями по сборке и настройке Схемы на микроконтроллерах сопровождаются листингами программ Книга рассчитана как для начинающих, так и на "продвинутых" радиолюбителей, увлекающихся практической радиоэлектроникой Авторы В Белолапотков А Семьян.  серт   Myth   Stan   PerpСерия: Радиолюбитель.

Painting Abstract: New Elements in Abstract Painting артикул 12312d.
Painting Abstract: New Elements in Abstract Painting артикул 12312d.

Painting is more popular than ever Collectors and museum goers can't seem to get enough, with record auction prices and blockbuster exhibitions cementing the medium's priveleged position in the public heart Most of the attention around painting in recent years has focused on figuration, leaving abstraction a site for free experimentation During озлау those years abstract painting has developed a rich complexity that more than ever rewards careful viewing "Painting Abstraction" is the first comprehensive guide to contemporary abstract painting published in years Beginning with a 4,000-word introduction that puts the subject in historical context, curator Bob Nickas introduces the reader to the key issues in contemporary abstraction He goes on to organize 80 artists into six chapters: 'Hybrid Pictures/Image-as-Abstraction'; 'Rhythm and Opticality'; 'Colour and Structure'; 'Found/Eccentric Abstraction'; 'Form, Space and Scale'; and, 'The Act of Painting' Each artist's work is illustrated in lavish full-colour images and accompanied by a text that leads the reader through the paintings in language both accessible and illuminating The product of extensive new research and several dozen studio visits with artists around the world, Nickas' text brings out the key details and distinctions in their work, creating a vivid picture of a field awash in creative innovation "Painting Abstraction" is an essential reference tool for curators, critics, artists and collectors, and a major statement on the future of painting from one of contemporary art's most respected curators.  Tran   книг   Creo   Dona2009 г Твердый переплет, 352 стр ISBN 0714849332.

Cairo Fashion Design артикул 12314d.
Cairo Fashion Design артикул 12314d.

Contrasts do not always imply conflict Discovering the creative powers latent in the charged field between Islam and the West, the fashion designer Susanne K mper has established a 'Fashion Design Department' at Helwan University in Cairo Collaborating with the men and women she teaches there, she has been working since 1999 on casual wear geared озлаь to the Western taste, as well as fashions that cater for the need to veil the body as prescribed by contemporary Islam This is not at all a contradiction in terms for her female students who often wear the veil but an enrichment, as Susanne K mper is the first to amit Studying fashion design gives graduates a chance to succeed in the international fashion trade Supporeted by textile firms such as Olsen, the German embassy in Cairo and the German co-operative development agency CIM, the design students' work is presented to the public on the catwalk and at exhibitions In addition, Bedouin women from the valleys of the Sinai do traditional embroid.  LEGO   Ткал   впер   Roge2009 г Твердый переплет, 224 стр ISBN 3897902125.

Practical Database Programming With Visual C# NET артикул 12316d.
Practical Database Programming With Visual C# NET артикул 12316d.

A novel approach to developing and applying databases with Visual C# NET Practical Database Programming with Visual C# NET clearly explains the considerations and applications in database programming with Visual C# NET 2008 and in developing relational databases such as Microsoft Access, SQL Server, and Oracle Database Sidestepping the traditional озлбк approach of using large blocks of code, Ying Bai utilizes both Design Tools and Wizards provided by Visual Studio NET and real-time object methods to incorporate over sixty real sample database programming projects along with detailed illustrations and explanations to help readers understand the key techniques and programming technologies in database programming This invaluable resource features: Fundamental and advanced database programming techniques for beginning and experienced students as well as programmers A real completed sample database CSE_DEPT with three versions (Microsoft Access 2007, SQL Server 2005 SP2, and Oracle Database 10g XE Release 2) used throughout the entire book Step-by-step details on designing and building a practical relational database Discussion and analysis of the new database query technique, LINQ APIa??which includes LINQ to Objects, LINQ to DataSet, LINQ to SQL, LINQ to Entities, and LINQ to XMLa??and implementation in actual projects with line-by-line explanation Homework and selected solutions for each chapter to strengthen and improve learning and understanding An Instructor's Manual (MS PPT), example codes and exercise questions, homework/exercise solutions, and database projects available for free download E-mail assistance from the author Readers who will benefit highly from this reference are undergraduate or graduate students majoring in computer science and engineering, graduate students in all engineering departments, and software engineers and researchers in academic and industrial fields Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.  Jame   Алек   Cher   Isaa2010 г Мягкая обложка, 903 стр ISBN 0470467274.

A Brief History of Theatre артикул 12318d.
A Brief History of Theatre артикул 12318d.

What's the best way to learn about the different periods in theatre history? By example, of course! In "A Brief History of Theatre," the audience is taken on a tour of theatre history by presenting (almost) the same story in three styles: Ancient Greek, Elizabethan, and Modern Musical The fourth wall is irreparably broken as two Announcers озлбп introduce and comment on three separate (yet inseparable) plays: "Four Against a Serpent," "All's Well That's Dressed in Armor," and "Sammy & Kate " Designed for flexible casting, the show has twenty-three speaking roles (not counting the Greek Chorus) and room for plenty of extras, but can be performed with as few as nine actors of any gender.  Херл   Etni   Diam   Harr2009 г Мягкая обложка, 56 стр ISBN 1448647657.

American Dress Pattern Catalogs, 1873-1909: Four Complete Reprints артикул 12320d.
American Dress Pattern Catalogs, 1873-1909: Four Complete Reprints артикул 12320d.

Редактор: Nancy Villa Bryk For generations, the American dress pattern catalog has enabled countless people of moderate means to wear the latest in fashionable attire - from elaborate "toilettes" to simple accessories for daily wear In historical terms, these volumes have also provided a fascinating glimpse of how people озлбх in an earlier era clothed themselves The present republication of four rare dress pattern catalogs offers today's fashion enthusiasts an excellent overview of apparel popular during the late Victorian and early Edwardian periods Selected by Nancy Villa Bryk, Curator of the Division of Domestic Life at the Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village, the volumes in this unique collection contain more than 3,750 black-and-white illustrations - everything from bicycle suits to evening wear, from men's and children's clothing to delicate lingerie Included in E Butterick & - Co 's "Catalogue for Summer, 1873" are patterns for ladies' wrappers, skirts and basques - a tight fitted bodice E Butterick & Co 's "Summer Catalogue, 1882" includes patterns for dresses with trains, house dresses, an assortment of coats… and sleeves! "The Ladies' Standard Magazine, April 1894" shows - in addition to a wealth of patterns for dresses and bicycling costumes - a fine sampling of millinery, while designs for ladies' dresses, trim shirtwaists and pleated and gored skirts (at an average price of 15 cents per pattern!) are just a few of the many selections featured in the "Spring & Summer 1909 Ready Reference Catalogue of McCall Patterns" Designers and illustrators will find these catalogs a rich, copyright-free source of delightful illustrations Students and fashion historians will want to add this kaleidoscopic collection of vintage clothing styles to their reference libraries.  Alex   Aqua   Gmax   AndrИздательство: Dover Publications, 1988 г Мягкая обложка, 160 стр ISBN 0-486-25654-5 Язык: Английский Формат: 210x275.

Pingu Loves English: Fun Book 2 артикул 12322d.
Pingu Loves English: Fun Book 2 артикул 12322d.

Художники: Mik Brown Gillian Martin Young children should enjoy learning to speak and understand basic English with loveable Pingu "Pingu Loves English" is a two-stage course which incorporates clear illustrations and videos, and recycles new and known language for children learning English as a foreign language Формат: озлбш 21,5 см х 28 см Авторы Дайана Уэбстэр Diana Webster Энн Уорэлл Anne Worrall.  Tato   Kary   спас   ЗареИздательство: Pearson Education Limited, 2001 г Мягкая обложка, 48 стр ISBN 0582-465494 Язык: Английский.

Fuzzy Probabilites for Web Planning артикул 12324d.
Fuzzy Probabilites for Web Planning артикул 12324d.

Book DescriptionThis book presents important applications of soft computing and fuzziness to the growing field of web planning A new method of using fuzzy numbers to model uncertain probabilities and how these can be used to model a fuzzy queuing systemis demonstrated, as well as a method of modeling fuzzy queuing systems employing fuzzy arrival озлвд rates and fuzzy service rates All the computations needed to get to the fuzzy numbers for system performance are described starting for the one server case tomore than three servers A variety of optimization models are discussed with applications to the average response times, server utilization, server and queue costs, as well as to phenomena identified with web sites such as "burstiness" and "long tailed distributions".  крас   9056   Arts   03-12003 г 200 стр ISBN 3540004734.

Semantics with Applications: An Appetizer (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science) артикул 12326d.
Semantics with Applications: An Appetizer (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science) артикул 12326d.

Semantics will have an important role to play in the future development of software systems and domain specific languages, and there is a real need for an introductory book that presents the fundamental ideas behind these approaches; stresses their relationship by formulating and proving the relevant theorems; and illustrates the applications озлви of semantics in computer science This book investigates the relationship between the various methods and describes some of the main ideas used, illustrating these via interesting applications Historically important application areas are used together with some exciting potential applications including: Validating prototype implementations of programming languages Verifying program analyses that are part of more advanced implementations of programming languages Verifying security analyses Verifying useful program properties including information about execution time.  Щерб   Exce   Добр   Svag2007 г Мягкая обложка ISBN 1846286913.

Современное производство колбасных и солено-копченых изделий артикул 12328d.
Современное производство колбасных и солено-копченых изделий артикул 12328d.

Книга представляет собой современное издание, описывающее весь процесс современного производства колбасных изделий - от разделки мяса до хранения готового продукта Учтены озлвс последние достижения в разработке пищевых добавок для мясных изделий, особенности современных технологий и сырья, изменения в нормативной базе Новейшие разработки отраслевой науки тесно увязаны с практическими рекомендациями по выбору режимов обработки, особенностям рецептур, возможности рационального использования сырья Книга предназначена для повышения квалификации технологов мясной промышленности, обучения студентов пищевых специальностей и персонала мясоперерабатывающих предприятий Автор Владимир Зонин.  слов   Mich   Garm   CracИздательство: Профессия, 2006 г Твердый переплет, 224 стр ISBN 5-93913-036-4 Формат: 70x100/16 (~167x236 мм).

Professional ASP NET 1 1 (Programmer to Programmer) артикул 12330d.
Professional ASP NET 1 1 (Programmer to Programmer) артикул 12330d.

Book DescriptionWhat is this book about? Written by a high-profile team of ASP NET experts, this fully updated Professional guide enables you to take full advantage of the power and possibilities of ASP NET 1 1 You travel beyond thebasics of ASP NET Web pages, server controls, and data management to a complete understanding of Web services, debugging, озлвц performance, migration, and real-world applications All code has been rechecked and verified to work correctly with ASP NET 1 1, and enhancements like improved security and better performance are thoroughly examined and reviewed This comprehensive, in-depth, practical guidebook enables you to master new levels of Web application development with the NET Framework What does this book cover? Here's what you will learn from this book: How to get started with ASP NET and the NET Framework Ways to create ASP NET pages, work with server controls, and manage data Methods for developing, securing, and configuring Web applications Basics of base class libraries, components, and extensibility Security and performance improvements inherent in version 1 1 How Web services and ASP NET function in themobile arena Debugging, performance, migration, and interoperability Processes for applying this knowledge in real-world development contexts Who is this book for? This book is for programmers who havea solid understanding of ASP and want to develop sophisticated ASP NET 1 1 applications using the NET Framework You should be familiar with VB or C-based syntax (C++, Java™, or C#).  хоро   полю   Silv   Brot2004 г 1368 стр ISBN 0764558900.

Cash Out, Cash In: The After-Success Investment Guide--Valuable Leading Investment Advisor to the Ultra-Wealthy артикул 12332d.
Cash Out, Cash In: The After-Success Investment Guide--Valuable Leading Investment Advisor to the Ultra-Wealthy артикул 12332d.

Book DescriptionUnlike most personal finance books, CASH OUT, CASH IN is not a "How to Get Rich"book Rather,it is an after-success book aimed at the demanding needs of families with $1 million to $1 billion of investable capital Read straight through or absorbed in sections, it is intended to be a handy desk guide for all stages of wealth озлвэ management Part I "Getting Liquid" offers advise based upon the selling of over 150 businesses,on getting the most from your business sale, pre-sale estate strategies, and also looks at the management of concentrated stock holdings Part II "Building an Optimum Investment Portfolio" walks you through a thorough investment-planning process to determine your risk tolerance, return targets, and economic assumptions, etc , and ends with an ideal Personal Investment Charter and Asset Allocation Detailed chapters on stock market, real estate, fixed income, and private business investments reflect success strategies used by the ultra-wealthy Part III "Managing for Optimum Satisfaction" helps you build a "dream team" of professional advisors, explores family offices and advanced estate designs, and offers advise on becoming a comfortable and confident private investor Never before has one book combined so many adroit investment strategies for optimum personal wealth management.  цвет   Осип   Para   18152003 г ISBN 1591852269.

ASP NET 2 0 Beta Preview артикул 12334d.
ASP NET 2 0 Beta Preview артикул 12334d.

Book DescriptionWhat is this book about? ASP NET 2 Beta Preview is timed to coincide with the first widespread beta release of ASP NET "Whidbey" — the new version of Microsoft’s popular technology for creating dynamic Web sites that pull unique information for each visitor rather that showing everyone the same static HTML pages озлгд The book gets developers up to speed with the new features and capabilities that ASP NET 2 0 provides Developers will learn how to build ASP NET 2 0 applications for themselves from the examples that the book provides This book is for ASP NET developers making the transition to this new version of the technology The changes are many, and in some cases, they're quite dramatic The book spends a good deal of time alerting you to all that has changed and explaining what you need to know to make the transition to ASP NET 2 0 Finally, the book focuses on both the Visual Basic NET and C# developer Examples throughout the book do not favor one developer over another Instead, every example is provided in both languages Download DescriptionWhat is this book about? ASP NET 2 Beta Preview is timed to coincide with the first widespread beta release of ASP NET "Whidbey" — the new version of Microsoft’s popular technology for creating dynamic Web sites that pull unique information for each visitor rather that showing everyone the same static HTML pages The book gets developers up to speed with the new features and capabilities that ASP NET 2 0 provides Developers will learn how to build ASP NET 2 0 applications for themselves from the examples that the book provides This book is for ASP NET developers making the transition to this new version ofthe technology The changes are many, and in some cases, they're quite dramatic The book spends a good deal of time alerting you to all that has changed and explaining what you need to know to make the transition to ASP NET 2 0 Finally, the book focuses on both the Visual Basic NET and C# developer Examples throughout the book do not favor one developer over another Instead, every example is provided in both languages.  Geni   OPEL   Blau   PENN2004 г 470 стр ISBN 0764572865.

Discovering Art Dogs артикул 12336d.
Discovering Art Dogs артикул 12336d.

This colorful book is filled with delightful images from the J Paul Getty Museum's collection But not just any images: this volume contains images of dogs, accompanied by a bit of read-aloud rhyme Designed and written for the youngest of art appreciators, these charming books introduce children to the many different ways artists see the world--and озлгс offer a glimpse into the treasures of the Getty Museum.  язык   Буха   Сост   демо2009 г Твердый переплет, 24 стр ISBN 0892369493.

Технология солода и пива артикул 12338d.
Технология солода и пива артикул 12338d.

Переводчики: Г Дарков А Куреленков В переводе 9-го немецкого издания (2007 г ) этой всемирно известной как "библия пивовара" книге содержатся все необходимые пивоварам сведения озлгъ По сравнению с предыдущим русским изданием объем книги увеличился примерно на 200 страниц благодаря многочисленным авторским добавлениям и рисункам Подробно рассмотрены типы и виды необходимого для приготовления солода и пива сырья, используемого оборудования, типы и сорта готового пива, а также методы его оценки Большое внимание уделено вопросам водоподготовки, стойкости пива, его розливу в различные емкости и проблемам энергообеспечения солодовенных предприятий и пивзаводов 3-е издание, переработанное и дополненое Автор Вольфганг Кунце Wolfgang Kunz.  Щерб   увед   серт   FranИздательство: Профессия, 2009 г Твердый переплет, 1064 стр ISBN 978-5-93913-162-9, 978-3-921690-56-7 Формат: 70x100/16 (~167x236 мм) Мелованная бумага, Цветные иллюстрации.

Technologie Brauer & Malzer.
Современная технология мясных консервированных продуктов артикул 12340d.
Современная технология мясных консервированных продуктов артикул 12340d.

В книге рассмотрены основные принципы консервирования с учетом современных достижений науки и технологии Описаны свойства разных видов сырья и тары Приведены современные озлгэ способы расчета показателей стерилизации, особенности работы на разных типах применяемого оборудования, освещено влияние состава продукта на параметры процесса Большое внимание уделено применению различных пищевых добавок, их роли в повышении качества продукции и облегчении протекания технологического процесса Дано описание технологии производства наиболее распространенных мясосодержащих консервированных продуктов Автор Владимир Зонин.  Низо   рома   Goin   АудиИздательство: Профессия, 2008 г Твердый переплет, 240 стр ISBN 978-5-93913-161-2 Тираж: 1000 экз Формат: 70x100/16 (~167x236 мм).

Применение пищевых добавок в индустрии напитков артикул 12342d.
Применение пищевых добавок в индустрии напитков артикул 12342d.

В книге автора "Энциклопедии пищевых добавок" описаны способы применения и рекомендации по использованию пищевых добавок в производстве крепких алкогольных напитков озлда (водки, бренди, рома, виски), вин, слабоалкогольных напитков, включая сидр, безалкогольных напитков на ароматизаторах и экстрактах, в сокосодержащих безалкогольных напитках, соках, нектарах, а также в производстве пива Книга предназначена технологам предприятий индустрии напитков, фирм-производителей пищевых добавок, а также может быть использована в учебном процессе профильных вузов Автор Лариса Сарафанова.  рабо   Herb   Руби   СодеИздательство: Профессия, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 248 стр ISBN 5-93913-125-5 Тираж: 2000 экз Формат: 70x100/16 (~167x236 мм).

Glass Painted Projects (Twenty to Make) артикул 12344d.
Glass Painted Projects (Twenty to Make) артикул 12344d.

Offering great techniques across 20 dazzling projects, this trove of ideas is perfect for crafters seeking new ways to expand their art Featuring chic, stylish designs, each project is accompanied by step-by-step instructions and colorful, detail-rich photography for pieces that include quirky fairies, funky cats, assorted Christmas baubles, озлдг glowing lamps, and sleek cocktail glasses These elegant painted glass designs are for mobiles, cards, book covers, and panels—perfect as gifts or for home decorating.  меся   чита   теат   Flyi2009 г Мягкая обложка, 48 стр ISBN 1844483479.

6 Hour Guide to Protecting Your Assets: How to Protect Your Hard Earned Assets From Creditors and Claimants артикул 12346d.
6 Hour Guide to Protecting Your Assets: How to Protect Your Hard Earned Assets From Creditors and Claimants артикул 12346d.

SIMPLE, AFFORDABLE STEPS YOU CAN TAKE TO PROTECT WHATS YOURS By the time youre named as a defendant in a lawsuit or divorce proceeding, it may be too late to protect your assets The time to shield the hard-won fruits of your labor is now! Fortunately, protecting your assets can be much easier and far less expensive than you think In this complete, озлдл practical, and easy-to-follow guide, leading tax and estate planning attorney and bestselling author Martin Shenkman presents the steps you can and should take to protect your home, your savings, and other assets from creditors, litigants, and divorce Shenkman explains the essential concepts of protecting what you own from malpractice claims, lawsuits, and divorce This book offers step-by-step guidance in determining which asset-protection strategies and techniques are right for you Youll learn numerous legal and effective methods you can use to: Protect your personal assets from business and professional claims Protect your assets and your heirs assets from divorce Minimize your risk of lawsuits and other claims against your assets Create limited partnerships and LLCs to protect your assets Make your home-based business judgment-proof Use domestic trusts to protect against lawsuits Secure real estate and stock holdings against lawsuits.  Скво   Nige   Rajn   СодеISBN 0471430579.

Animals in Colored Pencil / Drawing: Learn to Draw Step by Step (How to Draw and Paint Series: Drawing) артикул 12348d.
Animals in Colored Pencil / Drawing: Learn to Draw Step by Step (How to Draw and Paint Series: Drawing) артикул 12348d.

In this comprehensive, 32-page book, accomplished artist Debra Kauffman Yaun shares her artistic insights and techniques for creating strikingly realistic animal drawings in colored pencil The book opens with essential information on choosing tools and materials, understanding color theory, and creating basic pencil strokes It then covers озлдо special colored pencil techniques, such as hatching, burnishing, layering, and blending Finally, the author demonstrates how to accurately depict an assortment of adorable animals––including favorite family pets, wildlife, and birds––in a series of clear, step-by-step lessons In-depth, easy-to-follow instructions allow aspiring artists to develop their drawing skills, guiding them from simple sketches to the final flourishes.  Wink   Шенк   Mari   Яков2009 г Мягкая обложка, 32 стр ISBN 1600581374.

ASP NET in a Nutshell, Second Edition артикул 12350d.
ASP NET in a Nutshell, Second Edition артикул 12350d.

ASP NET in a Nutshell is a concise, one-volume reference to everything you need to make effective use of ASP NET An invaluable resource that goes beyond the published documentation to highlight little-known details, stress practical uses for particular features, and provide real-world examples that show how features can be used in a working application, озлду ASP NET in a Nutshell is the definitive guide for developers of both applications and web services Updated for Visual Studio NET 2003, the 2nd edition of this book includes fresh information on application and web service development, custom controls, data access, security, deployment, and error handling, new material on web application development for mobile devices, plus an overviewof the class libraries For developers who still use Microsoft's older ASP technology, this book also provides information for migrating to ASP NET.  Fina   Sabb   писа   MirrISBN 0596005202.

Challenge Your Taxes : Homeowner's Guide to Reducing Property Taxes артикул 12352d.
Challenge Your Taxes : Homeowner's Guide to Reducing Property Taxes артикул 12352d.

How to save hundredseven thousandsof dollars a year in property taxes You cant escape paying property taxes, but you can avoid paying more than you have to This authoritative new guide explains how Written by an experienced real estate counselor, Challenge Your Taxes helps you evaluate your property assessment and pinpoint any inaccuracies озлдъ that, once amended, could dramatically reduce your tax bill With proven guidelines and practical tips, youll learn how to determine what your property is really worth, qualify your property for a deduction, andin the case of an unfair assessmentprepare and present a successful appeal Heres where youll find complete details on: Property valuationfair market value, comparable sales and cost approach, amenity considerations Assessorswho they are, what they do, and what they look for Checking your property informationstudy your property record file, confirm property category, use sales/assessment ratio to establish fair value Common assessment errorsmiscalculated land area, incorrect judgment of condition, comparable sales ignored, wrong zoning classification Assessment appealssummary of procedure, presentation checklist, the appeal board, abatements Packed with helpful worksheets and numerous examples, as well as sample forms and addresses of state appeals agencies, this indispensable resource has everything you need to Challenge Your Taxes successfully.  With   Silv   Silv   SilvISBN 0471190659.

Дискотека своими руками (+ CD-ROM) артикул 12354d.
Дискотека своими руками (+ CD-ROM) артикул 12354d.

Книга в простой и увлекательной форме рассказывает о том, как с помощью несложных самодельных электронных средств на высоком профессиональном уровне организовать веселый озлдя праздник, дискотеку, выпускной вечер, театральную постановку Все приведенные в книге конструкции доступны для повторения радиолюбителями даже с минимальным опытом, не содержат дефицитных и дорогих радиоэлементов, просты в настройке и надежны в работе Книга будет полезна всем, кто интересуется электронной звуковоспроизводящей техникой и техникой световых эффектов На прилагаемом к книге компакт-диске содержится техническая документация на большинство микросхем, транзисторов и других электронных компонентов, использованных в публикуемых конструкциях, эскизы всех печатных плат в формате SprintLayout 3 0, свободно распространяемое программное обеспечение для расчета элементов акустических агрегатов и составления CD дисков, материалы по истории звукозаписи Вся эта информация пригодится тем, кто хочет подробнее разобраться в работе описанных схем и реализовать свои идеи, которые могут появиться по ходу чтения книги Автор Борис Семенов.  Eliz   Аник   Иллю   XVIIСерия: "Солон" - радиолюбителям.

A buen juez (Diferencias) (Spanish Edition) артикул 12356d.
A buen juez (Diferencias) (Spanish Edition) артикул 12356d.

En las afueras de Toledo, ante un Cristo enclavado en un madero, la bella Ines de Vargas hace jurar a Diego Martinez, que a su vuelta de Flandes, la desposara Pero pasan tres anos y Diego no vuelve Regresan varios hombres de Flandes, y entre ellos Ines cree avistar a Diego, que no la reconoce Resulta que Diego ha sido hecho capitan por el rey, y los humos озлев se le han subido a la cabeza, y porfia que en ningun momento prometio casarse.  tuchkas   Thin   реда   2009 г Мягкая обложка, 44 стр ISBN 8498162769.

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