Dogs & Cats / Drawing: Learn to Draw Step by Step (How to Draw and Paint Series: Drawing) артикул 12357d.
Dogs & Cats / Drawing: Learn to Draw Step by Step (How to Draw and Paint Series: Drawing) артикул 12357d.

Whether they prefer the company of dogs, cats, or both, aspiring artists will learn how to create faithful depictions of all their furry friends with this essential drawing book Inside, gifted artist Nolon Stacey provides fundamental techniques and complete instructions for drawing several different breeds of cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies озлед He also demonstrates how to portray specific canine and feline features––such as perky ears, wayward whiskers, and playful paws Readers also will learn how to achieve accurate proportions and capture the priceless expressions that make dogs and cats so utterly irresistible! Packed with helpful tips and extraordinarily realistic drawings, this book is a “must-have” for every pet-loving artist.  2009 г Мягкая обложка, 32 стр ISBN 1600581366.

Московский ансамбль современной музыки Диск 3 артикул 12359d.
Московский ансамбль современной музыки Диск 3 артикул 12359d.

Издание содержит буклет с дополнительной информацией на русском, английском, французском и немецком языках Содержание 1 Романтическая музыка для габоя, арфы и струнного озлен квартета (автор музыки: Эдисон Денисов) 2 Соната для кларнета, соло (автор музыки: Вячеслав Артемов) 3 Эпитафия памяти Альбана Берга для скрипки, габоя, арфы и ударных (автор музыки: Юрий Каспаров) 4 Concordanza - для 11 исполнителей (автор музыки: София Губайдулина) 5 Warum - для 15 исполнителей (автор музыки: Владислав Шуть) 6 Сентиментальные секвенции - для 13 исполнителей: I (автор музыки: Раскатов Александр) 7 Сентиментальные секвенции - для 13 исполнителей: II (автор музыки: Раскатов Александр) 8 Сентиментальные секвенции - для 13 исполнителей: III (автор музыки: Раскатов Александр) 9 Сентиментальные секвенции - для 13 исполнителей: IV (автор музыки: Раскатов Александр) 10 Сентиментальные секвенции - для 13 исполнителей: V (автор музыки: Раскатов Александр) 11 Сентиментальные секвенции - для 13 исполнителей: VI (автор музыки: Раскатов Александр) 12 Сентиментальные секвенции - для 13 исполнителей: VII (автор музыки: Раскатов Александр) Исполнители Юрий Каспаров (исполнитель, автор музыки) Московский ансамбль современной музыки Алексей Виноградов.  Формат: Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьюторы: Международная Книга Музыка, Olympia Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2009 г Сборник: Российское издание.

Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble Vol 3.
Apoteosis de don Pedro Calderon de la Barca (Diferencias) (Spanish Edition) артикул 12361d.
Apoteosis de don Pedro Calderon de la Barca (Diferencias) (Spanish Edition) артикул 12361d.

La Apoteosis de don Pedro es una apologia a la hispanidad y al orgullo herido de un imperio que dio sus ultimos estertores en el siglo XIX El texto resulta interesante, incluso desde su idea epica de una estructura nacional, y merece un analisis mas centrado en lo politico que en la nocion de «divertimento literario» con que fue concebido originalmente озлес Cabe concluir comentando que aqui la figura de Calderon de la Barca es presentada como un estandarte nacional, una reivindicacion de ese orgullo imperial antes referido.  2009 г Мягкая обложка, 40 стр ISBN 8496290522.

Beginning ASP NET 1 0 with Visual Basic NET артикул 12363d.
Beginning ASP NET 1 0 with Visual Basic NET артикул 12363d.

What is this book about? ASP NET 1 0 is the final release of Microsoft's Active Server Pages (ASP) It is a powerful server-based technology designed to create dynamic, interactive, HTML pages for web sites and corporate intranets ASP NETis a core element of Microsoft's exciting NET vision, building on the strengths of the NET Framework to provide озлец many new features not seen in previous versions of ASP This book, entirely revised and updated for the final release, will provide you with a step-by-step introduction to ASP NET using VB NET, with plenty of worked examples to help you to gain a deep understanding of what ASP NET is all about, and how you can harness it to build powerful web applications What does this book cover? In this book, you will learn how to Create basic ASP NET pages with VB NET Understand the concepts of Object Oriented Programming Work with data and XML Debug and handling errors in your code Use ASP NET Server Controls Create user controls and components Explore the world of Web services Optimize performance Secure your application Who is this book for? This book is aimed at relatively inexperienced web builders who are looking to enrich their sites with dynamically-generated content, and want to learn how to start building web applications using ASP NET Developers who have a little experience with previous versions of ASP (and are looking to move over to ASP NET), may also find this book helpful in getting a simple grasp on what ASP NET is, what it does, and how it can be used Experience of basic HTML is required, but previous experience of ASP or VBScript is not essential We'll be teaching the basics of VB NET in this book, so prior experience of the language is not required.  ISBN 0764543695.

Handbook of Equine Wound Management артикул 12365d.
Handbook of Equine Wound Management артикул 12365d.

This practical field guide contains details on how to treat all kinds of injury in horses, from superficial cuts and grazes to serious trauma Provides expert advice on how to minimize the risks of infection and scarring, anticipate and avoid potential complications, and promote rapid and complete healing and recovery Many key procedures, such озлжг as the application of bandages and dressings, surgical procedures, and suturing techniques, are accompanied by line drawings and full-color illustrations Includes helpful client education information for initial wound management and on-going nursing care while under veterinary supervision Автор Дерек Кноттенбелт Derek Knottenbelt.  Издательство: Saunders Ltd , 2002 г Твердый переплет, 140 стр ISBN 070202693X.

La Gringa (Spanish Version) (Spanish Edition) артикул 12367d.
La Gringa (Spanish Version) (Spanish Edition) артикул 12367d.

Comedy / 3m, 3f / Areas La Gringa es la busqueda de identidad de una joven de origen puertorriqueno nacida en los Estados Unidos Maria Elena decide visitar a su familia borinquena durante las navidades y llega a Puerto Rico con gran ilusion de conectarse con ellos y con la madre patria Aunque es su primer viaje a Puerto Rico, ella siempre ha tenido un gran озлжи amor por la isla y hasta ha estudiado la historia del pais en la Universidad Sin embargo a su llegada se da cuenta de que la isla no le da la bienvenida La mayoria de los puertorriquenos la consideran americana - una gringa - y Maria Elena se siente traicionada por los suyos Maria Elena llega a la conclusion de que si es puertorriquena en los Estados Unidos y americana en Puerto Rico, en realidad no es nadie a donde quiera que vaya Su tio Manolo, le ensena que la identidad no esta basada en lo superficial o lo externo sino que es una esencia que ella ha llevado en su corazon toda su vida.  2009 г Мягкая обложка, 84 стр ISBN 0573663440.

The Vikings of Helgeland артикул 12369d.
The Vikings of Helgeland артикул 12369d.

Henrik Ibsen, considered to be the father of modern drama, was a Norwegian playwright He is responsible for "realistic drama" During the Victorian era Ibsen's writings were considered scandalous The Vikings of Helgeland was Ibsen's 7th play written in 1857 the island of Helgeland is in the northern part of Norway The story takes place озлжн in the time of Erik the Blood circa 933 A D The setting is a rocky coastline with several war ships in the distance The character of Hjdoris was modeled after Ibsen's fiance Suzannah Hjdoris is a larger than life character whose strength comes from honor and love In the play Hjdoris continues to love one man while marring another.  2009 г Мягкая обложка, 102 стр ISBN 1438522282.

Нейросетевые алгоритмы прогнозирования и оптимизации систем артикул 12371d.
Нейросетевые алгоритмы прогнозирования и оптимизации систем артикул 12371d.

Редактор: М Финков В данной книге подробно описано использование нейросетевых и генетических алгоритмов для решения задач прогнозирования и оптимизации сложных систем озлжп Рассмотрено множество различных методов и подходов, даны их анализ, оценка эффективности и особенности применения Сформулированы задачи прогнозирования (в нейросетевом базисе) и описаны алгоритмы их решения Отдельно обсуждается вопрос создания экспертных систем Специальный раздел книги посвящен обзору и развитию известных результатов использования нейроподобных сетей и эволюционных вычислений для решения дискретных оптимизационных задач Изложение материала построено системно и последовательно Используется множество поясняющих примеров Причем, все приведенные примеры основаны на опыте авторов, имеют реальное практическое значение и взяты из различных областей производства, машиностроения, нефтяной промышленности, космической отрасли, экономики, социологии Помимо обзорно-обобщающего материала в книге содержатся сведения, являющиеся научными разработками авторов и публикуемые впервые в мире Книга предназначена для студентов, инженеров, аналитиков, а также всех, кому интересны вопросы практического применения теории нейронных сетей и генетических алгоритмов Авторы Андрей Назаров Андрей Лоскутов.  Серия: Профи.

Microsoft ASP NET Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic NET Version 2003 Step By Step артикул 12373d.
Microsoft ASP NET Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic NET Version 2003 Step By Step артикул 12373d.

Book DescriptionYour hands-on, self-study guide for building Web applications and services with ASP NET and Visual Basic NET version 2003 Teach yourself how to write high-performance Web applications with ASP NET and Visual Basic NET--one step at a time This practical, hands-on tutorial expertly guides you through the fundamental tools and озлжт technologies, including the common language runtime, Web Forms, XML Web services, and Microsoft NET Framework version 1 1--with coverage thats fully up-to-date with the innovations in Visual Basic NET version 2003 Work at your own pace through the easy-to-follow lessons and hands-on exercises to learn essential techniques And accelerate your productivity by working with instructive code examplesand best practices for ASP NET Web development with Visual Basic NET Topics include creating ASP NET Web applications; managing application state; configuring ASP NET applications; implementing security, including using new capabilities in authentication and request validation; creating Web Forms, server controls, and XML Web services; accessing data, including exploiting new Microsoft ADO NET functionality; enabling caching; testing, debugging, and deploying ASP NET applications; and more.  2003 г 624 стр ISBN 0735619344.

Direct Pointing to Real Wealth: Thomas J Elpel's Field Guide to Money артикул 12375d.
Direct Pointing to Real Wealth: Thomas J Elpel's Field Guide to Money артикул 12375d.

All living organisms consume energy, modify resources from the environment and produce waste That is an inescapable fact of life But in nature all material wastes are recycled as inputs to other living organisms The only true waste is diffuse, low-grade heat In order to create a truly sustainable economy we must mimic the ecosystem so that the waste озлжщ of every household and business becomes resource inputs to other enterprises and the only waste produced is diffuse, low-grade heat from renewableresources like solar In Direct Pointing to Real Wealth author Thomas J Elpel demonstrates that it is inevitable that we will create an ecologically sustainable economy Tom turns conventional thinking on its head and out-lines steps you can take to increase your prosperity right now while closing the loop on waste and speeding the transition to a greener world Direct Pointing to Real Wealth is an enlightened look at the nature of money Discover how the economy is like an ecosystem and how money is a token we use to represent calories of energy in the ecosystem Toms unique approach to money takes you beyond the numbers game to a direct examination of the laws of physics, biology, and economics These laws are the same today as in the Stone Age, when people worked only a few hours per day and had much more leisure time than we do now Whether you are raising a family or running a business, Toms book gives you a fresh new look at economics, ecology and how to achieve your Dreams Break through perceived limitations to discover a world of prosperity and abundance!.  ISBN 1892784084.

Raising Financially Fit Kids артикул 12377d.
Raising Financially Fit Kids артикул 12377d.

As a parent, you worry about instilling good financial values in your childrenno matter what your income level But when and how is it appropriate to start teaching your kids about the almighty dollar? Joline Godfrey, founder and CEO of IndependentMeans, Inc the leading provider of financial programs for kids and their parentshas the answers озлжы In RAISING FINANCIALLY FIT KIDS, Godfrey aims her friendly, approachable, and practical text at parents and grandparents of children ages 5 to 18 At the heart of the book is a developmental map covering 10 specific money skills children can master by the age of 18 to become financially secure adults Godfreys fitness plan doesnt encourage children to accumulate wealth for its own sake; rather, it helps children achieve independence and become responsible members of families and communities by teaching habitual savings, smart money management, and decision-making skills More than just a money book, RAISING FINANCIALLY FIT KIDS will help you send your kids into the world as balanced young adults who exercise good judgment, practice responsible habits, and live financially stable lives.  Мягкая обложка ISBN 1580085369.

Chuck Jaffe's Lifetime Guide to Mutual Funds: An Owner's Manual артикул 12379d.
Chuck Jaffe's Lifetime Guide to Mutual Funds: An Owner's Manual артикул 12379d.

From a trusted personal finance authority, a lifetime guide to better mutual-fund investing Encyclopedic in its scope yet easy-to-use, this mutual-fund "owner's manual" is a one-stop resource for anyone who wants to go beyond the basics and start planning long-term, profitable fund investments Breezy, readable, and organized озлзк into manageable mini-chapters, it will prove indispensable for investors with all levels of financial experience and knowledge Syndicated columnist Chuck Jaffe is an idea coach to the ins and outs of mutual-fund ownership, from buying and selling funds to passing them on to heirs He cuts through the clutter that confuses many investors and costs them money.  ISBN 0738202738.

Conversations With the Children of Now: Crystal, Indigo, and Star Kids Speak About the World, Life, and the Coming 2012 Shift артикул 12381d.
Conversations With the Children of Now: Crystal, Indigo, and Star Kids Speak About the World, Life, and the Coming 2012 Shift артикул 12381d.

This stunning new book introduces the world to some of the very special and gifted children who were described in Meg Blackburn Losey's The Children of Now The Children of Now changed paradigms of how we raise, teach, and nurture our children, and created awareness that ADD, ADHD, and autism just might not be what we thought The book touched parents, озлзс teachers, and caregivers all over the world Now, in Conversations With the Children of Now, Dr Meg goes even further to spotlight some of the Children of Now and others who have come forward since the first book was released Intricately woven conversations with Indigo Children, Crystalline Children, Star Kids, and Transitional Kids reveal the hearts and souls of our future generation These real children share their feelings and perceptions about themselves and our world Hear, in their own words: - Who they really are - Where they come from - Why they are here, and what they have come to share with humanity - What they know about God, and about Living and Dying - What they know about the healing of hearts and souls, and of bodies and minds - What will happen in the 2012 shift These children speak about past lives, other worlds, forgotten gifts, and unconditional love as a way of being They show how we can change our world with grace They also reveal how we can guide them, nurture them, and allow them to become the great human beings they were destined to become! Автор Мег Блекберн Лоузи Meg Blackburn Losey.  Издательство: New Page Books, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 256 стр ISBN 1564149781 Язык: Английский.

Введение в эллиптические кривые и модулярные формы артикул 12383d.
Введение в эллиптические кривые и модулярные формы артикул 12383d.

Переводчик: О Огиевецкий Введение в одно из активно развивающихся направлений теории чисел, написанное известным американским математиком, знакомым читателям по переводу озлзц его книги `р-адические числа, р-адический анализ и дзета-функции` В данной книге развивается аналитическая итеоретико-числовая тематика на стыке алгебраической геометрии, теории представлений и комплексного анализа Для математиков различных специальностей, аспирантов и студентов университетов Автор Нил Коблиц Neal Koblitz.  Серия: Шедевры мировой физико-математической литературы.

Essential Economics артикул 12385d.
Essential Economics артикул 12385d.

Economics is the "study of how society uses its scarce resources" or, more snappily, "the science of choices" that helps people make decisions about how to use such scarce things as land, labour, raw materials, capital, entrepreneurial spirit and time An understanding of economics can therefore help people in politics озлзю and public service, in business and the professions, and even in their private life make decisions that will produce the results they are seeking to achieve For anyone who wants a better understanding of this far from dismal science, which has such a powerful influence on world affairs, business and the way we live, this clear and entertaining guide will prove invaluable Формат издания: 12,5 см х 21 см Автор Matthew Bishop.  Серия: Economist.

Visual Effects in A Digital World: A Comprehensive Glossary of over 7,000 Visual Effects Terms артикул 12387d.
Visual Effects in A Digital World: A Comprehensive Glossary of over 7,000 Visual Effects Terms артикул 12387d.

As the visual effects industry has diversified, so too have the books written to serve the needs of this industry Today there are hundreds of highly specialized titles focusing on particular aspects of film and broadcast animation, computer graphics, stage photography, miniature photography, color theory, and many others Visual Effects in озлир a Digital World offers a much-needed reconsolidation of this knowledge All of the industry's workers frequently need to understand concepts from other specialties, and this book-the only one of its kind-lets them look up and grasp the basics of any visual effects concept in a matter of seconds It's a great way for everyone, regardless of experience, to find their way through the jargon and learn what they need to know * Authoritative coverage from a winner visual effects expert-winner of a British Academy Award and two Emmys * Cover topics such as computer graphics, digital compositing, live action, stage, and miniature photography, and a wide range of computer and Internet concepts * Offers job descriptions for positions found throughout the industry * Demystifies the jargon used by practitioners in every subspecialty.  ISBN 0122937856.

Проблемы технологии бетона артикул 12389d.
Проблемы технологии бетона артикул 12389d.

Переводчик: В Контовт В книге рассмотрены вопросы практической эффективности основных процессов технологии бетона - приготовления бетонной смеси, ее транспортирования, озлиф укладки, уплотнения - и дана их теоретическая оценка в свете механики упруго-вязко-пластической среды Значительное место уделено проблемам усадки и ползучести бетона, особенностям его деформирования под нагрузкой (упругого и пластического), а также обзору и критическому анализу теорий прочности бетона К настоящему, русскому, изданию приложен перевод более поздней работы автора по вопросам пластической деформации бетона Книга предназначена для инженеров-строителей и научных работников 2-е издание Автор Робер Лермит Robert L'Hermite.  Издательство: ЛКИ, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 296 стр ISBN 978-5-382-00199-9 Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Idees actuelles sur la technologie du beton.
The Enthusiastic Employee: How Companies Profit by Giving Workers What They Want артикул 12391d.
The Enthusiastic Employee: How Companies Profit by Giving Workers What They Want артикул 12391d.

Enthusiastic employees outproduce and outperform They step up to do the impossible They rally each other in tough times Most people are enthusiastic when they're hired: hopeful, ready to work hard, eager to contribute What happens to dampen their enthusiasm? Management, that's what "The Enthusiastic Employee" draws on 30 years of озлиь research and experience to show you exactly what managers do wrong - and what they should do instead Drawing on detailed case studies and employee attitude surveys in hundreds of companies, the authors offer research-proven solutions - not fads, nostrums, or phony shortcuts Along the way, you'll identify the dollars-and-cents business case for high employee morale, learn exactly what employee morale means, and discover the specific management practices that offer the greatest positive performance impact Формат издания: 15,5 см х 23,5 см Авторы Дэвид Сирота David Sirota Луис Мишкинд Louis A Mischkind Майкл Мельцер Michael Irwin Meltzer.  Издательство: Wharton School Publishing, 2005 г Суперобложка, 400 стр ISBN 0-13-142330-4 Язык: Английский.

Developing Web Applications with ASP NET and C# артикул 12393d.
Developing Web Applications with ASP NET and C# артикул 12393d.

Learn how to create the basic, dynamic, and advanced ASP NET pages in C# Packed with tips, tricks, and workarounds, this book covers every aspect of developing a Web application for the enterprise using ASP NET and C# Written by Microsoft insiders, it shows readers how to create the basic, dynamic, and advanced ASP NET pages in Microsoft's new C# programming озлйе language, and explains how to interact with the database using ADO NET The authors review how to transport and display data on the Internet or an Intranet using XML, objects, and Web services They also explain how to implement security with authentication, integrate important e-commerce issues, and optimize the ASP NET Web application for optimal performance Companion Web site features complete source code samples for the applications developed and explained in the book Microsoft Technologies NET Platform: The next big overhaul to Microsoft's technologies that will bring enterprise distributed computing to the nextlevel by fully integrating the Internet into the development platform This will allow interaction between any machine, on any platform, and on any device Visual Basic NET: The update to this popular visual programming language will offer greater Web functionality, more sophisticated object-oriented language features, links to Microsoft's new common runtime, and a new interface ASP NET: A programming framework (formerly known as Active Server Pages) for building powerful Web-based enterprise applications; can be programmed using VB NET or C# C#: Microsoft's new truly object-oriented programming language that builds on the strengths of C++ and the ease of Visual Basic; promises to give Sun's Java a run for its money.  ISBN 0471120901.

Tax Update of Planning Your Financial Future артикул 12395d.
Tax Update of Planning Your Financial Future артикул 12395d.

Book Description This text for personal financial planning adopts a life-cycle approach to financial planning The writing style, designed for readers with diverse educational backgrounds, is informal and relatively non-technical The emphasis is on practical application and decision making Concepts are reinforced with diverse real-life озлйй examples, up-to-date information, expert advice, and a problem solving format Easy-to-complete worksheets are integrated into the text New "Surf?s Up" Internet Exercises have been added The result is a quality text that is current and provides a thorough, conceptually sound treatment of the subject for both students and instructors alike.  2004 г ISBN 0324319266.

The Standard & Poor's Guide to Measuring and Managing Credit Risk артикул 12397d.
The Standard & Poor's Guide to Measuring and Managing Credit Risk артикул 12397d.

Today's most complete, up-to-date reference for controlling credit risk exposure of all types, in every environment Measuring and Managing Credit Risk takes you far beyond the Basel guidelines to detail a powerful, proven program for understanding and controlling your firm’s credit risk Providing hands-on answers on practical topics from озлйо capital management to correlations, and supporting its theories with up-to-the-minute data and insights, this authoritative book examines every key aspect of credit risk, including: Determinants of credit risk and pricing/spread implications Quantitative models for moving beyond Altman’s Z score to separate “good” borrowers from “bad” Key determinants of loss given default, and potential links between recovery rates and probabilities of default Measures of dependency including linear correlation, and the impact of correlation on portfolio losses A detailed review of five of today’s most popular portfolio models—CreditMetrics, CreditPortfolioView, Portfolio Risk Tracker, CreditRisk+, and Portfolio Manager How credit risk is reflected in the prices and yields of individual securities How derivatives and securitization instruments can be used to transfer and repackage credit risk Today’s credit risk measurement and management tools and techniques provide organizations with dramatically improved strength and flexibility, not only in mitigating risk but also in improving overall financial performance Measuring and Managing Credit Risk introduces and explores each of these tools, along with the rapidly evolving global credit environment, to provide bankers and other financial decision-makers with the know-howto avoid excessive credit risk where possible—and mitigate it when necessary 1 edition.  Издательство: McGraw-Hill, 2004 г Суперобложка, 388 стр ISBN 0071417559.

ASP NET Weekend Crash Course (With CD-ROM) артикул 12399d.
ASP NET Weekend Crash Course (With CD-ROM) артикул 12399d.

Open the book on Friday evening and by Sunday afternoon ñ- after completing 30 fast, focused lessons - you will have mastered the skills necessary to begin creating robust, dynamic, data-driven web applications with ASP NET In just one weekend, expert developer Robert Standefer leads you into the new world ofMicrosoft NET, and enables you to create озлйф robust, dynamic, data-drive web applications Starting with ASP NETbasics, Robert teaches you what you need to know to begin creating ASP NET applications quickly, and easily This book is a must have for any developer building web applications on Microsoft's new NET Framework.  ISBN 0764548360.

Ирония Прощение артикул 12401d.
Ирония Прощение артикул 12401d.

Книга включает две работы французского философа, психолога, культуролога Владимира Янкелевича (1903-1985) Оригинальный мыслитель и блестящий стилист, пока еще недостаточно озлйь известный в нашей стране, исследует в них парадоксальность сознания, в особенности нравственного сознания современного человека Обе работы впервые публикуются в переводе на русский язык Для широкого круга читателей, интересующихся философскими проблемами личности Содержание Ирония (переводчики: В Большаков, Борис Скуратов) c 14-144 Прощение (переводчики: В Большаков, Борис Скуратов) c 145-336 Автор Владимир Янкелевич Vladimir Jankelevitch.  Серия: Библиотека этической мысли.

Credit Reporting Systems and the International Economy артикул 12403d.
Credit Reporting Systems and the International Economy артикул 12403d.

Credit reporting is a critical part of the financial system in most developed economies but is often weak or absent in developing countries It addresses a fundamental problem of credit markets: asymmetric information between borrowers and lenders that can lead to adverse selection and moral hazard The heart of a credit report is the record it provides озлкб of an individual's or a firm's payment history, which enables lenders to evaluate credit risk more accurately and lower loan processing time and costs Credit reports also strengthen borrower discipline, since nonpayment with one institution results in sanctions with others This book provides the first comprehensive review of credit reporting systems worldwide and documents the rapid growth in the industry It offers empirical and theoretical evidence of the impact of credit reporting on financial markets, using examples from both developed and developing economies Credit reporting, it shows, significantly contributes to predicting default risk of potential borrowers, which promotes increased lending activity The book also covers the role of public policy in the development of credit reporting initiatives, including the role of public credit registries managed by central banks; and the role of legal, regulatory, and institutional factors in supporting credit reporting Автор Margaret J Miller.  Издательство: The MIT Press, 2003 г Твердый переплет, 465 стр ISBN 0262134225.

Пространство, время и тяготение артикул 12405d.
Пространство, время и тяготение артикул 12405d.

Переводчик: Ю Рабинович Эта книга написана выдающимся английским астрофизиком, профессором Кембриджского университета Артуром Эддингтоном (1882-1944), первым осуществившим озлкн экспериментальную проверку одного из эффектов, предсказанных общей теорией относительности Эйнштейна Цель автора заключается в том, чтобы дать представление об этой теории, не пользуясь никакими специальными сведениями из области математики, физики или философии Автор не только излагает вполне определившуюся теорию, но и беспристрастно обсуждает возможные возражения и указывает на слабые места Книга предназначена широкому кругу читателей, но может представлять интерес и для специалистов - математиков и физиков, а также философов и историков науки 2-е издание, стереотипное Автор Артур Стэнли Эддингтон A S Eddington.  Издательство: Едиториал УРСС, 2003 г Мягкая обложка, 224 стр ISBN 5-354-00367-9 Тираж: 1500 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Space, Time and Gravitation.
Buckets of Money : How to Retire in Comfort and Safety артикул 12407d.
Buckets of Money : How to Retire in Comfort and Safety артикул 12407d.

A proven way to financially prepare for retirement Are you wondering if you can make your retirement savings last? Concerned about inflation reducing your purchasing power? Worried about the stock markets violent swings? In Buckets of Money: How to Retire in Comfort and Safety, nationally recognized Certified Financial PlannerTM and radio озлкр personality Ray Lucia offers you a smart and conservative way to protect and grow your nest eggso you can enjoy a comfortable retirement without worrying about your money running out Developed by Lucia over his thirty-year career as a financial planner, the "Buckets of Money" technique is a proven way to achieve both income and growth, while guarding against the ravages of inflation Buckets of Money is filled with in-depth insights and practical advice that will help you assess your retirement situation, save the money you need to last your entire lifetime, and adjust your plan to good times and bad Regardless of yourage, income, net worth, or investment experience, you need to have a solid plan for your retirement years Buckets of Money provides you with such a plan, and shows you the best way to implement it.  ISBN 0471478660.

How To Get Out of Debt And Into Praise артикул 12409d.
How To Get Out of Debt And Into Praise артикул 12409d.

Money is a spiritual issue The failure to handle it properly can impede the vitality of our relationship with Christ and others Reverend James Meeks offers this practical manual to help believers obtain freedom from debt so they can properly love andserve others in need He exhorts people to get out of debt and gives them a definitive method to become озлкф and stay debt-free Readers will be ecnouraged that it's possible and inspired to achieve it.  ISBN 0802429939.

Александр Гордон Научный альманах, №1, 2003 артикул 12411d.
Александр Гордон Научный альманах, №1, 2003 артикул 12411d.

Альманах "Гордон" - издание, целью которого является публикация научных статей специалистов разных областей научного знания Авторами альманаха стали как ученые с именем, озлкш так и те, кто только в начале научной карьеры В альманахе опубликованы научные статьи, являющиеся результатом исследований в разных областях научного знания, что обеспечит междисциплинарный подход к освещению главных проблем современного естествознания и гуманитарных наук Альманах - иллюстрированное издание, где иллюстрации не только наглядны и оправданы контекстом статьи, но и помогают в восприятии сути, благодаря оригинальным дизайнерским находкам Содержание Индекс вариации и его приложение к анализу фрактальных структур Статья c 5-32 О предельной численности населения Земли Статья c 33-48 О скандинавских браках Ярослава Мудрого и его потомков Статья c 49-66 Фундаментальные физические взаимодействия и законы сохранения Статья c 67-80 Роль звездных скоплений в эволюции Галактики Статья c 81-96 Физические аспекты предбиологической эволюции: сложность, иерархичность, динамика Статья c 97-112 Метаболический и энтропийный подходы в моделировании времени Статья c 113-128 Внутриландшафтная реакция мерзлотных условий на современные изменения климата Статья c 129-146 Язык и мозг: прав ли Дарвин? Статья c 147-160 Цвета ветров Статья c 161-176 Золотое сечение "Войны и мира" Статья c 177-192 Волк Онтогенез рассудочной деятельности Статья c 193-208 Проблема творчества с точки зрения синергетики Статья c 209-224 Авторы (показать всех авторов) Михаил Дубовиков Николай Старченко Вячеслав Найденов.  Серия: Александр Гордон (альманах).

Избранные радиолюбительские конструкции и схемы Решения для работы и дома артикул 12358d.
Избранные радиолюбительские конструкции и схемы Решения для работы и дома артикул 12358d.

Это очередной сборник, который Издательство "Солон-пресс" издает для радиолюбителей - силами радиолюбителей Характерная черта данной книги публикация для энтузиастов-конструкторов озлее статей, охватывающих самые неожиданные направления применения электроники в любительском творчестве Здесь и сотовый телефон в электронной охране, и добрая дюжина оригинальных схем для интегральных УМНЧ в автомобильных аудиосистемах, и самые различные решения сборки генераторов звуковой частоты на операционных усилителях Но особый интерес предоставляет статья использования микроконтроллера в любительской практике на примере создания измерителя ТС-параметров В статье даны рекомендации по программированию и "прошивке" микроконтроллера с помощью компьютера Автор Арнольд Гриф (составитель, автор, редактор).  Серия: "Солон" - радиолюбителям.

Doing Business Tax-Free: Perfectly Legal Techniques to Reduce or Eliminate Your Federal Business Taxes, 2nd Edition артикул 12360d.
Doing Business Tax-Free: Perfectly Legal Techniques to Reduce or Eliminate Your Federal Business Taxes, 2nd Edition артикул 12360d.

Save tons of money with the secrets to avoiding income taxes Could it be possible to run your business without paying federal and state income tax for at least 36 months? What if youre not in businesshow about reducing or completely wiping out your income tax? It may sound too good to be true, but the answer is YES In this easy-to-use, plain-English озлер book, Robert A Cooke shows how you can legally use the tax rules to your advantage Doing Business Tax-Free, Second Edition is packed with tax-saving concepts and ideas and clear explanations on how to apply them to your own situation Numerous examples help you understand crucial tax-planning maneuvers and form a game plan, which, with a little professional fine-tuning, will alleviate your income tax burden Plus, youll save even more money by learning how to keep professional fees to a minimum and shorten your time in the tax preparers office New to the Second Edition: Recomputes examples involving computation of individual income taxes with year 2000 tax rates Features updated sections on S corporations, limited liability companies, and loss carryovers Covers the new, simpler "check-the-box" rules for satisfying IRS requirements for taxation of a limited liability company Guarantees postings of future significant changes to the tax rules regarding S corporations on the authors Web site, www robertcooke comwhich you can check for updates as you readthe book Includes revised rules for home offices.  ISBN 0471418218.

Полезные схемы для радиолюбителей артикул 12362d.
Полезные схемы для радиолюбителей артикул 12362d.

В книге, рассчитанной на широкий круг радиолюбителей и домашних мастеров, приводятся новые технические решения по любительской бытовой электронике, нестандартные включения озлет микросхем, особенности работы с современными интегральными микросхемами на многочисленных примерах, разработанных автором конструкций для школьной лаборатории, игротеки, для практического применения в быту Автор Андрей Евсеев.  Серия: "Солон" - радиолюбителям.

Making Change: A Woman's Guide to Designing Her Financial Future артикул 12364d.
Making Change: A Woman's Guide to Designing Her Financial Future артикул 12364d.

"This book is about you and your money " The author of the bestselling Money Doesn't Grow on Trees extends her proven financial guidance to the millions of women who want to take control of their financial lives In Making Change, Neale S Godfrey -- single mother, successful author, and financial guru -- shows you exactly how to make your озлеш finances, your future, and your life work for you Giving expert advice with a down-to-earth approach, Godfrey guides you toward financial security with her "Design It Do It" motto, whether you're starting out or just determined to gain the financial confidence and competence you've always wanted Full of quizzes, planning tools, and inspiring anecdotes, Making Change shows you how to discover your financial personality and teaches you the life skills you will need to "make change" in the ways that count most: * Learn how to manage personal banking and budgeting effectively * Find essential information on saving and investing wisely * Discover the secrets to creating, maintaining, and repairing credit * Visualize the steps you need to take for making important financial decisions * Evaluate your financial options for the future You'll have everything you need to design and create the financially secure life you want -- and deserve.  ISBN 0684846101.

Making, Managing, and Milking Your Money: What Every Teen Needs to Know артикул 12366d.
Making, Managing, and Milking Your Money: What Every Teen Needs to Know артикул 12366d.

Book DescriptionThis book is about teens developing the skills they need to make wise financial decisions Setting goals, getting a job, time management, budgeting, saving, credit management, and even how to apply for college scholarships are topics addressed in this book The author, a recent college graduate, warns that poor money management озлжж can become an obstacle while good money management can be a propeller to reaching the life goals of young adults.  2003 г ISBN 1591095212.

Building Websites With The Asp net Community Starter Kit артикул 12368d.
Building Websites With The Asp net Community Starter Kit артикул 12368d.

Book DescriptionA comprehensive guide to understanding, implementing and extending the powerful and freely available application from Microsoft Learn NET architecture through building real world examples Understand, implement and extend the Community Starter Kit Learn to create and customize your own website Develop the confidence озлжл to implement and extend the system This book is written for ASP NET developers with a sound grasp of C# This book is a complete and practical guide helping you to deliver content rich community driven web sites based on the freely available ASP NET Community Starter Kit from Microsoft It is aimed at experienced ASP NET developers with the responsibility of delivering robust and feature rich web sites, fast and effectively Microsoft's ASP NET Community Starter Kit (CSK) is a powerful, freely-available application that allows you to quickly create a fully-featured community-driven web site, complete with article and news management, downloads, forums, and user handling What you will learn from this book Install and configure the CSK Find your way around the CSKs towering range of features Create and administer community web sites Become familiar with the common CSK ASP NET controls Customize your CSK site Discover the secrets of the CSK core architecture Explore the inner workings of CSK modules Extend the CSK by creating new modules Customize existing modules with Web controls Add an RSS feed to share your content with others Deploy your CSK Web site This book has been written for ASP NET developers with a sound grasp of C# and access to Visual Studio NET This book uses the Visual Studio NET version of the ASP NET Community Starter Kit.  2004 г 284 стр ISBN 1904811000.

NET Gotchas артикул 12370d.
NET Gotchas артикул 12370d.

Book DescriptionLike most complex tasks, NET programming is fraught with potential costly, and time-consuming hazards The millions of Microsoft developers worldwide who create applications for the NET platform can attest to that Thankfully there's now a book that shows you how to avoid such costly and time-consuming mistakes It's called NET озлжо Gotchas The ultimate guide for efficient, pain-free coding, NET Gotchas from O'Reilly contains 75 common NET programming pitfalls--and advice on how to work around them It will help you steer away from those mistakes that cause application performance problems, or so taint code that it just doesn't work right The book is organized into nine chapters, each focusing on those features andconstructs of the NET platform that consistently baffle developers Within each chapter are several "gotchas," with detailed examples, discussions, and guidelines for avoiding them No doubt about it, when applied, these concise presentations of best practices will help you lead a more productive, stress-free existence What's more, because code examples are written in both VB NET and C#, NET Gotchas is of interest to more than 75 percent of the growing numbers of NET programmers So if you're a NET developer who's mired in the trenches and yearning for a better way, this book is most definitely for you.  2005 г 396 стр ISBN 0596009097.

The Dark Side of Revenge артикул 12372d.
The Dark Side of Revenge артикул 12372d.

With a will all of their own, her eyes, turned slowly upward, focusing slowly on the gentle movement of the whirring fan in the hospital lounge Her mind, as if hypnotized by the sound, went back in time A time when things were different, so very, very different "Daddy, Daddy, come and see what I taught Melting Moment "Melicia's Father, who озлжс had been walking by the stables laughed at his daughter's enthusiasm Buying that horse had been a good move, one of the better things he had done in his life He was satisfied that he had made his daughter happy Melicia's Father continued past the stables and onto the field up ahead A farmer's work is never done He smiled as he turned and looked lovingly back at his daughter How happy he was "News just in - News flash, - News flash -- Melicia's head bobbed up and down twice and she opened her eyes She had been sleepng on the couch It was mid-day She still felt sleepy She leaned forward, listening intently "Earlier today, police had found two most gruesome of accidents on the highway " Melicia gasped "What did the Police know?" She wondered The sweat forming on her brow Sinking back into her couch, Melicia continued watching the News Flash.  2009 г Мягкая обложка, 142 стр ISBN 1935383728.

Защита компьютерной информации от несанкционированного доступа артикул 12374d.
Защита компьютерной информации от несанкционированного доступа артикул 12374d.

Редактор: М Финков В данной книге с профессиональной точки зрения рассмотрены вопросы защиты компьютерной информации от несанкционированного доступа (НСД), как на отдельном озлжф компьютере, так и на компьютерах в составе сети Приведен анализ систем защиты, встроенных в ОС Windows и ОС Unix Показаны уязвимости этих систем и определены их причины Вместе с тем в книге описано, каким образом должна строиться эффективная система защиты от НСД Показано, как и какие при этом должны быть реализованы защитные механизмы Изложена основная теория Введены основополагающие понятия обеспечения надежности системы защиты и противодействия скрытым угрозам На основе этого приведено описание добавочных механизмов для ОС Windows и ОС Unix В качестве примеров рассмотрены практические решения, реализованные под руководством автора и успешно применяемые на крупнейших предприятиях России В книге, в рамках системного подхода, отражены все аспекты защиты от НСД, начиная с авторизации и заканчивая контролем корректности функционирования системы защиты Особое внимание уделено моделям и механизмам управления доступом к ресурсам, а также архитектурным принципам построения системы защиты Не оставлена без внимания задача оптимизации системы защиты Книга написана ясным, доступным языком Предназначена для специалистов в области информационной безопасности, инженеров, студентов технических вузов, а также всех, кто хочет получить глубокие знания в области защиты информации от НСД Автор Андрей Щеглов.  Серия: Профи.

Интернет Шаг второй: от пользователя к профессионалу (+ CD-ROM) артикул 12376d.
Интернет Шаг второй: от пользователя к профессионалу (+ CD-ROM) артикул 12376d.

Редактор: Сергей Корякин-Черняк Вы держите в руках книгу, уникальную по набору, количеству и качеству отраженного в ней материала Прочитав ее, Вы узнаете, как устроен Интернет, озлжъ как и в каком виде происходит обмен информацией в сети, какое сетевое оборудование для этого применяется Подробно рассмотрены все основные протоколы и стандарты Интернета Без этих знаний невозможно полноценно работать в сети Вы узнаете также, что скрывается за словом `провайдер`, получите подробные сведения о самых современных способах подключения к Интернегу: спутниковом, кабельном, оптоволоконном, ADSL и ISDN Особое внимание уделено модемам В деталях рассмотрено их устройство, принцип работы, а также настройки, которые помогут Вам ускорить соединение с Интернетом Благодаря этой книге, Вы научитесь создавать свои WEB-страницы и сайты Для этого в ней размещен самый полный и подробный учебник по языкам HTML 4 01 и CSS2 Отдельная глава посвящена поисковым системам и методикам поиска в Интернете Рассмотрены принципы работы отечественных и зарубежных поисковых систем Рассмотрены вопросы регистрации на поисковых системах и использования баннерного обмена Книга поможет Вам научиться эффективно скачивать большие файлы и целые сайты из Интернета Подробное описание лучшего интернет-пейджера ICQ (Аськи) позволит использовать все его возможности и не даст скучать в сети В каждом разделе изложение материала построено от простого к сложному, благодаря чему он понятен и усваивается достаточно легко Все примеры, вспомогательные программы и браузеры имеются на прилагаемом CD Книга рассчитана на читателя, имеющего начальные навыки работы в Интернете Автор М Финков.  Серия: Профи.

Dreamweaver MX: ASP NET Web Development артикул 12378d.
Dreamweaver MX: ASP NET Web Development артикул 12378d.

Book DescriptionASP NET is the latest version of Microsoft's Active Server Pages (ASP), the incredibly popular server-side scripting language ASP NET is based on the NET framework, and combines unrivalled developer productivity with performance and reliability This book is all about developing ASP NET web sites with Macromedia Dreamweaver озлзе MX, the premier visual web site design tool It will show you how to rapidly develop ASP NET web applications with the minimum of fuss What this book covers: The NET Framework Dreamweaver MX and ASP NET Using server behaviours Interacting with the database.  2003 г 256 стр ISBN 1904151132.

Руководство по бактериальным инфекциям собак (комплект из 2 книг) артикул 12380d.
Руководство по бактериальным инфекциям собак (комплект из 2 книг) артикул 12380d.

Издание является современным энциклопедическим справочником и будет служить настольным руководством для ветеринарных специалистов самого разного профиля - практикующих озлзр ветеринарных врачей, лабораторных и научных работников, а также окажет неоценимую помощь при подготовке студентов ветеринарных и биологических факультетов Содержание Руководство по бактериальным инфекциям собак Том 1 Грамположительные бактерии, молликуты и спирохеты Предлагаемый читателю первый том настоящего 2-томного издания - об инфекциях собак, вызываемых грамположительными бактериями, молликутами и спирохетами В нем собраны материалы, характеризующие практически все аспекты биологии этих микроорганизмов - от морфологии до генетики, от биохимических свойств до эволюции, от эпизоотологии до патогенеза и симптоматики, от иммунных реакций организма до диагностики, лечения и профилактики вызываемых ими заболеваний Руководство по бактериальным инфекциям собак Том 2 Грамотрицательные бактерии В предлагаемом читателю втором томе настоящего 2-томного издания собраны материалы по биологии грамотрицательных бактерий (хламидий и протеобактерий), а также различным аспектам вызываемых ими у собак инфекций: эпизоотологии, патогенеза, патоморфологии, симптоматики, иммунного ответа организма, диагностики, лечения и профилактики Автор Б Шуляк.  Издательство: Олита, 2003 г Твердый переплет, 1152 стр ISBN 5-98040-010-9, 5-98040-011-7, 5-98040-012-5 Тираж: 3000 экз Формат: 60x84/16 (~143х205 мм).

ASP NET E-Commerce Programming: Problem - Design - Solution артикул 12382d.
ASP NET E-Commerce Programming: Problem - Design - Solution артикул 12382d.

Book DescriptionASP NET E-Commerce Programming shows you how to build a complete e-commerce site, from design to deployment This book will show you how to incorporate all the features offered on major e-commerce sites straight into your own projects, quickly and easily You will learn how to: * Build a solid foundation for your site * Provide access озлзх to products with a well fomatted product catalog * Help potential customers find what they want with a search system * Maximize sales with an efficient shopping cart and checkout system * Use wishlists to turn the customers themselves into sales resource * Manage product discounts * Promote products with special offer coupons and targeted emails * Offer after sales services such as order tracking * Encourage community involvement in your site * Forge partnerships through affiliate schemes The code that accompanies the book provides a complete example site.  2003 г 400 стр ISBN 1861008031.

Болезни молодняка свиней с диарейным и респираторным синдромом Диагностика, лечение и профилактика артикул 12384d.
Болезни молодняка свиней с диарейным и респираторным синдромом Диагностика, лечение и профилактика артикул 12384d.

В учебном пособии приведены сведения о болезнях молодняка свиней, протекающих с диарейным и респираторным синдромом Дано краткое описание болезни, представлена дифференциальная озлзъ патоморфологическая и лабораторная диагностика, также имеются данные о некоторых лечебных препаратах, активной и пассивной иммунопрофилактике Для студентов вузов, обучающихся по специальностям "Зоотехния" и "Ветеринария", ветеринарных врачей и фельдшеров Авторы (показать всех авторов) Дмитрий Уразаев Наталья Малахова Виктор Прудников.  Серия: Учебники и учебные пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений.

Русская идея От Владимира Святого до наших дней артикул 12386d.
Русская идея От Владимира Святого до наших дней артикул 12386d.

Книга, написанная известным современным историком доктором исторических наук А Н Бохановым, содержит обозрение русской истории с позиции православного универсализма озлзя В ней дан анализ русского национально-государственного самосознания от самых ранних фаз исторического явления Руси до момента крушения Самодержавной Монархии Автор раскрывает смысл понятия "Русская идея", вокруг которого давно ведутся ожесточенные мировоззренческие споры Это - явление духовного порядка, величайшая историческая ценность русского народа, которую формулировали, пропагандировали и отстаивали на протяжении многих веков разные люди, объединенные любовью к России и Православной Вере: от первых иноков, летописцев и князей Древнего Киева до благочестивых монархов, православных святых-подвижников и мыслителей XIX-XX веков Читатель найдет на страницах книги имена известных представителей Русского Исторического Пантеона, вершивших судьбы Руси-России, созидавших и выражавших ее неповторимый культурно-духовный облик Книга помогает понять органичность русского исторического процесса, его катастрофичность и духовную обусловленность, окрашивающую не только исторические воспоминания, но и мысли о будущем России в светлые тона Автор Александр Боханов.  Серия: Великая Россия.

Teach Yourself® Visual Basic® 6 артикул 12388d.
Teach Yourself® Visual Basic® 6 артикул 12388d.

With modular spreads and a user-friendly design, Teach Yourself Visual Basic 6 is easy to use It gives you tasks to master and a wealth of tools that help you teach yourself VB6 quickly Procedures are presented visually, step by step, so that you can integrate theory and practice as you go A Personal Workbook section at the end of each chapter allows озлиу you to practice and reinforce what you've just taught yourself This Teach Yourself edition presents how to Master the VB Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Debug and access your database Design forms, menus, and controls Use graphics and multimedia elements Harness OLE, ActiveX components, and other advanced features When you're both the teacher and the student, Visual Basic can't get more basic!.  ISBN 0764575163.

Guide to Business Planning артикул 12390d.
Guide to Business Planning артикул 12390d.

To get any new business idea off the ground you must have a plan - and if you need to raise funds to finance the business or get the approval of senior management, it must be a convincing plan This guide covers every aspect of preparing a business plan including how to analyze the market, how to model the business and financial statements, the analysis озлищ of risk and the assessment of both the upside and potential downside, and the all-important executive summary - often the only part of a business plan that is read Finally, Guide to Business Planning shows how to use a business plan to help put your ideas into practice and how to monitor and measure the performance of the business Авторы Грэхем Френд Graham Friend Stefan Zehle.  Издательство: Profile Books, 2004 г Твердый переплет, 288 стр ISBN 1861974744 Язык: Английский.

Sams Teach Yourself More Visual Basic NET in 21 Days артикул 12392d.
Sams Teach Yourself More Visual Basic NET in 21 Days артикул 12392d.

Sams Teach Yourself More Visual Basic NET in 21 Days provides step-by-step coverage of the most important new features of Visual Basic NET and NET that will allow programmers to begin creating rich Web applications and Web Services Intermediate programmers gain the knowledge and skills to be able to design professional Windows applications and озлйг Web services See how to use previous VB skills in this new environment Covered topics include: The NET Framework; Classes and how to work with them; Databases--the types available and how to pick the right one; Review SQL and how to use it; Application design process including developing a working prototype; Create control objects that enhance applications; How to use Crystal Reports; error-handling, performance, testing, and debugging; How to get a product to market; How to make use of XML in VB NET.  ISBN 0672322714.

ASP NET Data Web Controls Kick Start артикул 12394d.
ASP NET Data Web Controls Kick Start артикул 12394d.

Utilizing the more advanced features of the Data Web Controls has many developers stumped These controls are fairly simple to use when it comes to simple data display However, they can do much more than merely present data For example, the DataGrid Web Control allows for sorting, paging, and editing of data In addition, these controls allow for templating озлйж of data, which can be used to provide more complex views The DataGrid, DataList, and Repeater forum on the Microsoft ASP NET Forums received more than 2,100 posts in the first month and a half of use, or over 35 posts per day on average As the Web master of an ASP NET Web site, Scott has also received numerous emails from readers and visitors asking questions about these Web Controls ASP NET Data Web Controls is likely to be an indispensable item in every ASP NET developer's toolbox.  ISBN 0672325012.

ASP Net Programmers Reference артикул 12396d.
ASP Net Programmers Reference артикул 12396d.

ASP NET is a totally new way of creating dynamic web applications, giving developers more flexibility and functionality than ever before Its fresh approach of placing commonly-used code into controls, and separating presentation from business logic, makes developing and maintaining applications far easier It is part of the Microsoft NET Framework, озлйн and as such allows code to be created in any language that the Framework supports (currently C#, VB NET, and JScript NET out of the box) This referenceis divided into four sections The first covers all the important ASP NET namespaces for User Interface design, while the second looks at "behind the scenes" topics like caching and configuration The third section looks at the important new arena of WebServices, and finally, the fourth deals with the remaining hot topics, such as data access and XML, as well as containing a chapter of short, fully-working examples relating to all sections of the book, to help you understand the concepts being presented This book covers: All major ASP NET specific namespaces Caching Configuration Security Useful NET Framework namespaces Web Services.  ISBN B0000B0SZQ.

Большой словарь официальных юридических терминов артикул 12398d.
Большой словарь официальных юридических терминов артикул 12398d.

Более 3 000 понятий Особенностями предлагаемого словаря деловой лексики являются: построение по тематическому принципу, использование для трактовки терминов выдержек из озлйу текстов, официальных документов (законов, постановлений и прочих юридических материалов), полное указание самих источников Цель словаря - дать краткое и основное пояснение терминов, а также помочь в поиске нужных документов Предназначен для широкого круга читателей Содержание Предисловие Послесловие c 5-6 Большой словарь официальных юридических терминов Словарь c 7-647 Автор Юрий Фединский (составитель, автор).  Издательство: Экономика Твердый переплет, 648 стр ISBN 5-282-02056-4 Тираж: 3000 экз Формат: 70x100/16 (~167x236 мм).

Jimmy Page & Robert Plant: No Quarter - Unledded артикул 12400d.
Jimmy Page & Robert Plant: No Quarter - Unledded артикул 12400d.

От издателя Режиссер: Обри Пауэлл Продюсеры: Стефэн Д Свотс Роберт Плант Джимми Пейдж Творческий коллектив Дополнительные материалы Интервью (субтитры: англ , немец , франц озлйъ , итал , испан , португ , нидерланд ) Black Dog Morroccan Montage Most High + Буклет с дополнительной информацией на английском языке - в подарок Режиссер Обри Пауэлл Aubrey Powell Актеры Джимми Пейдж (Исполнитель) Jimmy Page Джимми (Джеймс Патрик) Пейдж родился 9 января 1944 года в Хестоне (Миддлсекс, Великобритания) Уже в середине 1960-х годов он получил известность как одаренный гитарист - Пейдж выступал как сессионный музыкант, участвовал в записях различных групп, в Роберт Плант (Исполнитель) Robert Plant Роберт Плант родился 20 августа 1948 года в Бирмингеме (Великобритания) До того как в 1968 году Джимми Пейдж пригласил певца в свою группу "The New Yardbirds" (позже названную "Led Zeppelin"), Плант успел выпустить пару синглов и поработать в.  Формат: DVD (PAL) (Keep case) Дистрибьютор: Торговая Фирма "Никитин" Региональные коды: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Количество слоев: DVD-9 (2 слоя) Субтитры: Английский Звуковые дорожки: Английский Dolby Digital 5 1 Английский Dolby Digital 2 0 Английский DTS 5 1 Формат изображения: Standart 4:3 (1,33:1) Лицензионные товары Характеристики видеоносителей 1995 г , 115 мин , Великобритания Warner Music Цветной; Концертная программа.

CodeNotes for ASP NET артикул 12402d.
CodeNotes for ASP NET артикул 12402d.

CodeNotes provides the most succinct, accurate, and speedy way for a developer to ramp up on a new technology or language Unlike other programming books, CodeNotes drills down to the core aspects of a technology, focusing on the key elements needed in order to implement it immediately It is a unique resource for developers, filling the gap between озлйю comprehensive manuals and pocket references CodeNotes for ASP NET is a revolutionary update to Microsoft’s Active Server Pages This edition explores how Web applications and Web services can be developed using ASP NET The NET architecture, Base Class Libraries, ASP NET form designer, Web controls, and cross-page and cross-language debugging are discussed Scaling ASP NET to multiple servers, state management, security, and methods of enhancing performance are also covered See “About the Authors” at the front of the book for more information.  ISBN 0812992202.

Beginning ASP NET 1 1 with Visual C# NET 2003 артикул 12404d.
Beginning ASP NET 1 1 with Visual C# NET 2003 артикул 12404d.

What is this book about? This hands-on guide teaches you how to build custom ASP NET Web sites from the ground up An expert team of authors uses their extensive ASP NET programming experience to give you hands-on instruction in the best way to create Web sites with ASP NET and C# This completely updated edition features new examples, and all code is written озлкж and tested for ASP NET version 1 1 What does this book cover? Here are some details on what you'll discover in this book: Fast ASP NET site construction using Microsoft’s new, free Web Matrix tool How to install and configure ASP NET Basic programming principles for C#, such as variables, control structures, and procedural programming Techniques for applying these principles as you develop ASP NET pages The minimum amount of object-oriented programming necessary to work successfully and efficiently with ASP NET Key differences between ASP NET 1 0 and 1 1, how to use the examples in this book with either version, and how to move from 1 0 to 1 1 Techniques for extending your ASP NET sites to incorporate related tools and technologies, such as using ADO NET for data source access, Web Services for inter-site communication, and Server Controls to facilitate code maintenance and reuse How you can make your ASP NET site production-ready through proper debugging, optimization, and security Who is this book for? This book is for beginners who have no previous experience with ASP, C#, XML, object-oriented programming, or the NET framework A little knowledge of HTML is useful, but not essential All the concepts you need to create dynamic ASP NET Web sites are presented and explained in full.  ISBN 0764557084.

Точечный массаж артикул 12406d.
Точечный массаж артикул 12406d.

Трудно переоценить благотворное воздействие ежедневного массажа на весь организм человека в целом Благодаря этой процедуре усиливается приток кислорода и выработка жизненной озлко энергии из питательных веществ, что дает существенный заряд бодрости А также помогает выводу из организма ядовитых веществ Кроме того, массаж очень хорошо помогает адаптироваться к внезапным перепадам температуры и атмосферного давления, а также к прочим неблагоприятным переменам в окружающей среде Для метеочувствительных людей это может стать настоящим спасением.  Серия: Клуб 36,6.

Programming with Constraints: An Introduction артикул 12408d.
Programming with Constraints: An Introduction артикул 12408d.

The job of the constraint programmer is to use mathematical constraints to model real world constraints and objects In this book, Kim Marriott and Peter Stuckey provide the first comprehensive introduction to the discipline of constraint programming and, in particular, constraint logic programming The book covers the necessary background озлкт material from artificial intelligence, logic programming, operations research, and mathematical programming Topics discussed range from constraint-solving techniques to programming methodologies for constraint programming languages Because there is not yet a universally used syntax for constraint logic programming languages, the authors present the programs in a way that is independent of any existing programming language Practical exercises cover how to use the book with a number of existing constraint languages Related course material in Powerpoint format (Win95) Programs from the book in ASCII format.  ISBN 0262133415.

Robot Building for Beginners (Technology in Action) артикул 12410d.
Robot Building for Beginners (Technology in Action) артикул 12410d.

“I wrote this book because I love building robots I want you to love building robots, too It took me a while to learn about many of the tools and parts in amateur robotics Perhaps by writing about my experiences, I can give you a head start ”a??David Cook Robot Building for Beginners, Second Edition is an update of David Cook’s best-selling Robot озлкх Building for Beginners This book continues its aim at teenagers and adults who have an avid interest in science and dream of building household explorers No formal engineering education is assumed The robot described and built in this book is battery powered and about the size of a lunchbox It is autonomous That is, it isn’t remote controlled You’ll begin with some tools of the trade, and then work your way through prototyping, robot bodybuilding, and eventually soldering your own circuit boards By the book’s end, you will have a solid amateur base of understanding so that you can begin creating your own robots to vacuum your house or maybe even rule the world! What you’ll learn How to build a robot from scratch Where to obtain parts and tools to get you started How to build the braina??the intelligencea??using the motherboard How to create the body and become a Dr Frankenstein How to get your robot moving and ruling Who is this book for? This book is aimed at teenagers and adults who have an avid interest in science and dream of building household explorers No formal engineering education is assumed.  2010 г Мягкая обложка, 488 стр ISBN 1430227486.

Introduction to Cryptography with Java Applets артикул 12412d.
Introduction to Cryptography with Java Applets артикул 12412d.

Introduction to Cryptography with Java Applets covers the mathematical basis of cryptography and cryptanalysis, like linear diophantine equations, linear congruences, systems of linear congruences, quadratic congruences, and exponential congruences The chapters present theorems and proofs, and many mathematical examples Cryptography озлкы with Java Applets also covers programming ciphers, and cryptanalytic attacks on ciphers In addition, many other types of cryptographic applications, like digest functions, shadows, database encryption, message signing, establishing keys, large integer arithmetic, pseudo-random bit generation, and authentication The author has developed various Java crypto classes to perform these functions, and many programming exercises are assigned to the reader The reader should be someone with a basic working knowledge of Java, but having no knowledge of number theory or cryptography.  ISBN 0763722073.

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